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History of Dóchas

A Brief History Of Dóchas

Tíotán Era

... 1759998

This is the Age of Titans/Gods/Aberrations waring for the world.

  • 0 TE

    999999 TE

    The Elemental Titans Shape the Lands of Dóchas
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In the formation of the Material world, the 5 Primordial Titans,   Kra, The Titan or the Earth and Water, Appears as a Titanic Dragon Turtle made of Earth and Water   Dus, The Titan of Fire and Air, Appears as a Titanic Phenoix ablaze with Fire   Geor, The Titan of Blood and Bones, Appears as a Titanic Lion made of stars and Galaxies   Niniss, The Titan of Will and Magic, Appears as a Titanic multi-winged Eye   Setli, The Titan of Light and Shadow. Appearing as a Titanic Serpent with Virgilio effects of Light and Shadow   These Five Titans brought about the creation of the Material world in their Image.

  • 1099999 TE

    1244753 TE

    The Invasion of The Abberations
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    From the Far Reaches of the Far Realm, the Ithlidid empire marched and invaded the World of Dóchas. capturing and experimenting on many of the creatures of the Titans. Their empire would survive until the formation of the Old Gods.

  • 1244754 TE

    1244755 TE

    The Old Gods are born
    Religious event

    The Primordial Titans saw their world being taken by the Ithlidid empire and sought to fight back against the Mind Flayers. To do so, they needed to create Gods that would fight for them.   Kra Created Onzar, The Godra of Order, appearing as a Gargantuan bipedal Moutain.   Dus Created Hakeera, The Godra of Chaos, appearing as a Gargantuan roiling ball of elemental forces.   Geor Created Kalan, the Godra of Creativity, Appearing as a Gargantuan Sphinx resplendent with precious metals.   Niniss Created Eros, The Godra of Life, Appearing as a Gargantuan and formless humanoid with thousands of Arms.   Setli Created Virteus, The Godra of Change, Appearing as a Gargantuan, everchanging form, typically depicted as a bipedal serpent made of nebulas.     Here some of the Godras as their first act was to create more beings of their own design.   Onzar Created Ovi The Goddess of Giants, appearing as a massive elemental woman.   Hakeera Created Bahamut, God of Metalic Dragons, appearing as a Massive Platinium Dragon, Tiamat Goddess of Chromatic Dragons, appearing as a Five-Headed Chromatic Dragon, and Sardior Godra of the Gem Dragons, appearing as a Massive Ruby Dragon.   Neither Kalan, Eros, nor Virteus created any Gods of their making.

  • 1244755 TE

    1244997 TE

    The Cogadh
    Military action

    After the Old Gods were created they looked to Ovi, Bahamut, Tiamat, and Sardior to created beings in their own image to fight against the Ithlidids.   The War rages on for centuries until the Ithlidid Empire retreated to the Far realm and only small pockets of colonies retreat into the Underdark.

  • 1244998 TE

    1677999 TE

    The Violent Betrayal
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    After the Cogadh the Old Gods looked to the Titans as to who would rule the world. The Titans responded that there is no rule but life in the world. Kra and Dus began to create the chaotic Elemental Planes as pure domains of Elements, and in so doing, The Two Titans reverted their forms to be nothing but pure elements. Geor goes into a deep slumber and, in so doing so, forms the Astral Plane. Niniss decided to craft a border reality of the Feywild to explore the use of Magic and Will. Setli works on developing the Outer Planes, both negative and positive, to create balance.   The Giants construct civilizations as early adopters of the world, while the Dragons begin to form their society alongside them.   With That Declaration, Many of the Godras accepted this. There was but one Goddess who saw against this.   Tiamat sought fit to rule over Dóchas but could not do it alone. Thus Tiamat searched for other power and sought fit to dismantle Setli.   Tiamat then killed Setli, and in the body of Setli emerged two different entities Shuimu, Goddess of Light, and Ssitsa God Of Shadow. Tiamat Traps Shuimu in Carceri, leaving the Serpent of Light to rot.   Tiamat and Ssitsa begin an attack against the Old Gods. Ovi was the first to retaliate as she sought to bring all of the Giant Warriors to fight against The Chromatic Dragons, while Ssitsa set his sights on Hakeera and Onzar and wars against them.   As the War begins Bahamut and Sardior battle against Tiamat and her forces. During this battle, Sardior was accidentally shattered and killed by Ovi's Giants, bringing shame to the Ovi and scattering the powers of the Gem Dragons.   Kalan decides to fight against Ssitsa while Eros goes and searches for Shuimu in hopes of bringing her into the fold.   For the first thousand years, Virteus feels conflicted, as fighting against Ssitsa means fighting against their creator.   Ssitsa would eventually destroy Kalan in a Ten thousand-year battle. From this Geor awakes with the agony of their creation being destroyed. Geor weeps, and his tears flow into Kalan's blood, seeping into the material world and forming the Shadowfell   Once Kalan was killed, Virteus saw fit to end this conflict. Virteus aligned with Eros in the search for Shuimu and eventually freed Shuimu from Her binds.   The War between the Giants and Dragons still wages on as Tiamat proves to be a proficient general against the Giants. The Dragons and Giants have drastically destroyed the world.   Shuimu bound Ssitsa, giving Virteus enough time to strike down Ssitsa; before Virteus could land the final blow, Ssitsa could strike at Virteus. Virteus seeing their demise, grabs hold of Ssitsa, and the two decide to go down until they both crash into the depths of the Nine Hells, killing them both.   Tiamat sees the fall of Virteus, and Ssitsa moves to kill both Hakeera and Onzar, using their essence to create the Fiends to fight against the Old Gods and Giants alike. Hakeera's essence was used to create the original seed that spawned the eternal Abyss of Demons, while Onzar's essence was used to develop the Archdeveils of the Nine Hells.   Shuimu saw this destruction as eminent and sacrificed her life to create the Celestials.   Eros and Bahamut look for the aide of Niniss to fight along the new celestials to fight against Tiamat and her Horde of Fiends.   In the final years of the War, the Celestials and Fey fight against the horde of Fiends and eventually won the War when Bahamut brought down Tiamat.

  • 1678000 TE

    1680000 TE

    The Ceaseless Deities
    Life, Death

    After the Violent betrayal, a surge of the magic of the old gods was dispersed through the planes. This widespread dispersion of powerful spells leads to the creation of the Ceaseless Deities. These are lesser beings spawned from Magic as opposed to Mortals.   They Are as follows:   Duard, The Root Warden: Deity of the Trees.   Hraung, The Lord Of Insects: Deity of Bugs   Teohr, The Empty One: Deity of Consumption   Stalsis The Kraken King: Deity of The Deep Sea   Vathos, The Unmaker: Deity of Nothing   Fis, The Dreamcarver: Deity of Dreams   Aion, The Architect Of Wishes: Deity of Wishes   Cykone, The Horologer: Deity of Divination   Terena, The Hag Queen: Deity of Hags   Xeheia, The Prevaricator: Deity of Curses   Kona, The Absolver: Deity of Mercy   Urena, The Atrocious: Deity of the Undeath/Diseases

  • 1680001 TE

    1759998 TE

    The Creation of the Mortals
    Era beginning/end

    The Betrayal has ended. Bahamut has trapped Tiamat in the levels of the Nine hells, and it is theorized that Eros planted the seed that starts the blood war between the Demons and Devils, keeping them at bay.   Niniss uses the rest of their essence to create the First Archfey to rule over the Feywild.   Geor, in their sorrow, uses their essence to create the Dark Powers to rule over the Shadowfell.   Bahamut dismantles the forces of the chromatic dragons as the Dragon's population starts to dwindle, leaving only small numbers of them behind.   Ovi befell a great shame and decided to abandon their creations and disappear. The Giants were now forsaken of their Goddess and began to fall into in-fighting and slowly become more recluse over time.   The World is now absent of anyone to live within; Eros creates the first mortals to populate the world.   Using their essence, Eros first creates the seeds of Mortals to grow and evolve into their new era.

Cruthú Era

1759999 7605001

The First formation of Civilizations till the Unraveling

  • 1 CE

    4845003 CE

    The Evolution of The Mortals
    Era beginning/end

    Within a period of over four million years, the Mortals begin to grow and evolve over time.   The races that grow and foster over time are:   Humans Aarakocra Goblinoids Orcs Elves Dwarves Leonin Tortles Lizardfolk Yuan-Ti Tabaxi Halfings Gnomes Kalashtar Tiefling Tritons Loxodons

  • 4845003 CE

    5345004 CE

    The Gracious Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As the Mortal beings now begin to form, the Celestials use the power and belief of the Mortals to form a new breed of Gods.   Eris The Godra of Love   Rolios The God of Innovation   Phadra The Godra of Time   Lolar The Goddess of Nature.   The Gracious Gods aid the Mortals into the first formation of civilizations.

  • 5345004 CE

    5445004 CE

    The Uncaring Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As the first civilizations begin to form so too are the beliefs of the mortals of Gods with no desire for mortals but rather a power to inhabit the Forces of the Material world.   The Next Gods to form.   Nezdia The Goddess of Storms   Yarus The God of Madness   Xyella The Godra of Magic   Inos The Godra of The Sea   Rodea the Goddess of Beasts   Wavaton The God Of Laws   Verix the Godra of Death   These Five Uncaring Gods act as embodiments of Forces in the Material Plane.

  • 5445004 CE

    5545004 CE

    The Vile Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Fiends of the Lower Planes saw that the Celestials were ascending to Godhood and used their powers to ascend themselves.   The Vile Gods are:   Targon The God of Destruction   Munera The Goddess of Darkness   Drell The God of Deception   Nox The Godra of Revenge   Xiarus The Goddess Of Greed   Shydall The Godra of Gloom   The Vile Gods arise to corrupt the minds of the Mortals leading into an age of conflict.

  • 5545004 CE

    5745004 CE

    The Violent Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As the Vile Gods corrupt the civilizations this leads the world to erupt in chaos as the early civilizations are now wrapped in magic and power. The Violent Gods are created from the rise in conflict.   Hecaton The God Of War.   Qides The Godra of Suspicion.   Zehena The Goddess of Punishment.   Amus The God of Rage.   Telna The Godra of Hate.   Oxdea The Goddess of Agony.   The Violent Gods now act as Agents of The mortals to engage in conflict.

  • 5745004 CE

    5845002 CE

    The Creation of the Dragonborns and Goliaths
    Life, Birth

    As the World erupts in conflict the Dragons and Giants have sided with some of the civilizations in conflict but as they watch the new Gods being formed, the Dragons and Giants alike decide to craft mortals in their own image.   The Dragons realize once they reached an ancient age, they can use their Scales to create a race of mortals now called Dragonborn.   The Giants used their magic to craft these living Runes to create a race of Mortals now called Goliaths.

  • 5845002 CE

    5845003 CE

    The Unraveling

    As the empires erupt into conflict a Wizard by the name of Darcon Sundarge crafts a spell that would allow him to try and replace Xyella the Godra of Magic.   The Use of this Spell started to bend reality to an unimaginable degree.   Wavaton had to personally step in and try to intervene to prevent total destruction of the multiverse.   As Darcon was rent asunder, the Unraveling began which annihilated 85% of the population.   The Unraveling destroys all of the structures of civilization crumble and is destroyed leading into the next Era.

Saol Era

7605002 and beyond

The Current Era of Dóchas

  • 1 SE

    The Founding of the Ardor

    After the Unraveling. A group of Mortals saw the destruction of Darcon Sundarge brought about with the Unraveling.   These mortals lead by a group of Powerful spellcasters make an organization called the Ardor which stands under the principle of motoring powerful magic so that no extinction event ever happens again.   Thus over the course of the next hundred years, the Ardor is formed as an Apolitical organization that stands as a bureaucratic group monitoring the use of High-level magic.

  • 103 SE

    1203 SE

    The Radical gods are formed
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As the Mortals start to bring about the rise of a new civilization and a new order of Gods are formed in an effort to help create new civilizations that can support larger populations of mortals.   The Radical Gods are:   Ovien The Godra of Travel   Thityx The God of Luck   Arsyn The Goddess of Duty   Cavros The God of Technology   Dozra The Godra of Knowledge   Kuvella The Goddess of Truth.   The Radical Gods provide for the Mortals a new way to form civilizations in the new Era

  • 1204 SE

    6 /5

    The Concordance of Garduar

    The Concordance of Garduar was the first civilization to formulate after the Unraveling. First formulated by the Dwarven Lords of the Five Peaks. Soon after the Concordance brought in three other clans to officially formulate an entire nation.

  • 1258 SE

    8 /7

    The Tasinis Dynasty begins

    Tasnisis The First finds the City of Actu and begins to formulate an Empire in the soundless dunes.

  • 1301 SE

    8 /3

    The Rule of Onladale is formed

    Onladale is formed with that comes to the Great house of Runducar. This founding comes with a lot of strife and Civil war with the House Runducar always coming out on top.

  • 1322 SE

    9 /5

    The Cuwaldom of Kholkas

    The Cuwaldom of Kholkas is founded in opposition to the Kingdom of Onladale which formulates House Ibrubrer alongside it.

  • 1367 SE

    8 /11

    The Council is Formualted

    The Council starts to formulate alongside the remaining part of Yodias.

  • 1404 SE

    23 /4

    Huzal makes an unlikely Alliance

    Huzal forms as a Republic not in the sense of forming a single Nation, but rather a series of States to united against any outside threat.

  • 1475 SE

    11 /8
    1522 SE

    8 /6

    Tramarth's Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    Tramarth's taps into the power of Urena The Atrocious. Becoming the Undead Lord and inflicts a vile plage across the lands.

  • 1525 SE

    9 /6

    The Founding of Solas and Vras

    After Tramarth's plague, there was much debate as to who would rule over the continent of Eibos.    A Vote leads for House Dawnmoore to rule over the eastern part of the Eibos while The Vras Family Rule the Western side of Eibos.

  • 1577 SE

    30 /12
    1678 SE

    30 /12

    Zalodax's Triumph
    Disaster / Destruction

    Zalodax was an Ancient Black Dragon that has lived since the formation of the mortals. In his studies, he has found some ancient draconic magic that would allow him to absorb the souls of other Dragons. Zalodax then spends the preceding decades killing and absorbing all other Black Dragons in Dochas.   Once Zalodax absorbed the final ancient Black Dragon, his sister Mira, and Zalodax accented to the Black Greatwyrm.   With his newfound power, Zalodax makes an assault on the Cuwaldom of Kholkas.   Zalodax lays waste to the lands of Kholkas decimating the population and the environment.   It was not until the Dilvau The Cuwal prayed to their God Amus to grant them the power to fend off against Zalodax.   Dilvau becomes the Immortal The Cuwal and in a pitched battle with the Avatar of Amus fighting along their side.   Zalodax was trapped underneath the destroyed Earth that was destroyed by him. From there Amus creates a mighty fortress for Dilvau to reside in as the eternal protector against Zalodax

  • 1679 SE

    12 /7
    1754 SE

    7 /11

    The War for the Wastes
    Military action

    After Zalodax's Trimpumph, Onladale is in an extremely weekend state. With this, the Concordance of Garduar decides to wage war against Onladale to take over their remaining lands.   The War also leads to the creation of Warforged that would soon populate the lands.

  • 1756 SE

    8 /6
    1757 SE

    11 /2

    The Privateers of Solas disband

    After the War for the Wastes, many forces of the world's Navy didn't see fit to follow under the rule of the concordance, Some left after the countless losses from the war, while others left for the wish to live in a lawless rule.   This lead to the creation of several Pirate cities for both privateers and criminals alike to leave to.

  • 1758 SE

    7 /8
    1858 SE

    9 /7

    The Cruel War
    Military action

    After the Truce of the Concordance, the state of Vras saw an opportunity to strike at Solas. Though many know that the Kelox Family had been advising the Vras Family to strike back at Solas for the displacement of the lands of Dochas.

  • 1859 SE

    19 /1

    The Debts of the War
    Financial Event

    The Destruction of the Wars/ Plagues and Greatwyrms, had left the lands of Dochas scathed. Here the Concordance saw an opportunity to rise above.   They as recompense for the War of the Wastes and began funding back into the other countries. Though these loans were on no interest they were to be paid back in the following years. the countries that decided to join in these loans were, Kelluma, Solas, and Vras.   Huzal, Actu and Onladale did not join in.

  • 1860 SE

    13 /5

    The Uneasy Truce
    Gathering / Conference

    A Truce was doctored Within the City of Solas, Saint Suassna Dawnmoore had brought all of the Leaders of the other countries and all had signed a truce where they shall keep the lands they have and trade with whomever they please.   This truce was made but many fear that a war could break out again if the time arises.

  • 1860 SE

    5 /6

    The Zalodax Tax
    Financial Event

    The Kingdom of Onladale had made a global request in that they needed to fund the Immortal keep so that when Zalodax returns. Thus all of the other countries have agreed to pay a tax that goes into maintaining the Immortal keep.