
There are three distinct categories of the Corrupted and then, in the end, there is the tainted. Each relating to how they were inflicted with the corruption. The first of which is The Willing.   The Willing Corrupted are those who, when given the choice of death or theoretical immortality, chose the latter. These people usually take on a sinister role. Due to their willingness to follow the bidding of the Utsu, they carry on living even if they become corrupted. They slay, corrupt and spread when given the order to do so while allowing their volatile power to run rampant. The very fact they chose the power is a hindrance in and of itself for allowing the Corruption will limit it. The sheer power is less than the other Corrupted , yet the risk of accidental overdose on power is far lower too. That is until the Utsu decides that the wielder is no longer needed, this results in a complete shattering of the mind of the wielder. This will turn them into one of the tainted.     The Unwilling Corrupted are those who had the power forced upon them, they are the second most common of the Corrupted . These unfortunate souls are those who were inflicted with the corruption in a way that is unnatural. They may have escaped the Kodoku region, given in to the draw of the Utsu and then begun to resist or simply drew upon the power without realizing it. Either way their lives are immediately put on a timer. They will submit, that is a simple fact. Their willpower is the only thing that is slowing the full corruption down. They have access to the power it grants but it comes at a risk. It will spike their corruption for a short period before it returns to what it is meant to be. The issue is that there is a minimum amount they will have, which is slowly rising and, after each use of their power, rises even more. There are very few ways to lower their cap once it has risen, this leads to the demise of most of the unwilling Corrupted , as the more power they take the less they truly have.     The Natural Corrupted are the unlucky few. Those born with corruption. Cases of this are immensely rare. These are individuals who were born with the power to wield the ambient and innate corruption of the world. They work in a functionally similar way to the Unwilling with some differences. The main one being that their bodies and souls can cycle the corruption back into the work and out of themselves. Essentially allowing them to consistently use the power without limiting their cap by exhausting themselves often. They can lose themselves to corruption, just like the unwilling, but they will recover from the state after a burst of time. Once they recover they will be physically drained and will need time to restore themselves. Ways in which an individual can be a natural Corrupted could be being born to a Corrupted , having an innate corruption and control, being born in a highly corrupted area (although this can make one of the tainted) and other highly specific ways. One risk that the Naturals will take is becoming one of the Lost. If they are slain within Kodoku or while unleashing the corruption they will become a husk, far worse and far more dangerous than the other Corrupted . This is because, in an effort to save itself, corruption allows the soul to wain and potentially crack. This leaves only pure corruption in a physical form. This is essentially what the Utsu is, corruptive energy in a physical form, the only difference being that it is a pure manifestation. It was formed as the being it is, hence it is extremely powerful. It is walking corruption.     The Tainted are those who have essentially fully overdosed upon the corruptive power. The tainted state is the space between the overdose and death of the Corrupted. The creature that is left is a walking horde of energy. They wander the earth, extremely volatile and will slaughter most things that come across it. This is because they are left with only dread, fear and pain. Their contorted bodies lash out in fear until they perish.

Basic Information


The body of a corrupted is usually denoted by the long, black tendrils that can appear across the skin and the glowing eyes that may appear with extended power use.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A powerful ability to wield a corruptive negative energy to the will.
Shadowfell/ Gotō Isles
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