
The Shadowfell is a plane composed of desolation, death and decay. Creatures hailing from this dark mirror are usually embodiments of these traits. The Utsu is no exception. Areas that have suffered from prolonged periods of housing torment and dread become hotspots in the Land of the Moon. This is due to the thin layers separating the planes across the island. One such area, the Kodoku region, is a prime example of this. Historically, the region has been wartorn and was home to the vast majority of battles and atrocities that have taken place within the isles. The few that lived there were impoverished and frightened. Each waking moment was a depressive and bleak struggle, This constant torrent of dread had built up over many years, manifesting itself due to the dark magic of the Shadowfell. This manifestation was the Utsu. For many decades the being sat just beyond the veil of reality, warping the minds and souls of those unfortunate enough to be within its reach. After the Ishida clan was slain it gained enough energy to pass over and turn the Kodoku region into its home.   The Utsu is not directly aggressive, instead it seeks to destroy the psyche of those trapped in the land it rules over. This allows it to feed off of the negativity that they emit and eventually the final moments of torment that their souls will suffer. Due to this it will usually stalk its prey from afar with proxy bodies, working like dolls that are connected mentally to the creature. It will play on the insecurities and fears of those it chooses, slowly warping them into becoming apathetic and afraid. Unable to help themselves due to the deteriorating mental state it forces them into. The Utsu is very vocal, often talking to its prey through the aforementioned dolls or leaving effigies and signs of its presence. If directly threatened, the Utsu is an extremely powerful foe. Simply approaching it to fight without first conquering one's own flaws will cause an adverse reaction to the aura that hangs around the being. It moves slowly, relying on its passive power to weaken a foe before the two meet. Once it reaches its prey it will begin to tear and drain each semblance of humanity it can find from the very heart of the poor individual.   There are very few living creatures who have faced the Utsu and lived to tell the tale, many of those that do will fall to the sickness that perverts their mind into a false mimicry of what it once was. Unable to feel happiness like they once did and unable to shake the constant feeling of emptiness, the victim will usually elect to commit suicide or indulge in self destructive behaviours. There are those who have felt the touch of the Utsu and been allowed to continue living. These are the Corrupted. They are able to weave negative energy to their will, a powerful ability with a heavy toll. Overusing the power can cause the tendrils of dread to sink deeper into the mind of the wielder, risking their very soul becoming corrupted and causing a forfeiture of their body. If this occurs, the ground in which they fall will become a pocket of energy for the Utsu to spread its influence.

Divine Domains

Divine Classification
Lesser God
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Empty, White Voids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White with Black markings


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