Ame no Makakoyumi

Weapon (Longbow), Relic Weapon
Attunement Required   A longbow made from an unknown craft of weaving crystal together like wooden fibers, bound with a maple grip and attached together with bronze rings.  No craftsman has managed to replicate the technique nor cause any damage to the weapon. It glows with a soft warm light when wielded.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Ame no Makakoyumi has the following Soul Point enchantments:
  • Unflinching [1 SP]: Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.
  • Guiding [1 SP]: The weapon sheds bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15-feet. The light's color is golden white.
  • Quick [1 SP]: You have advantage on initiative rolls.
  • Overpower (Hamstring) [1 SP]: If the d20 roll for an attack made with this weapon is a 19 or 20, you can force a creature that suffers damage from this weapon to make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, in addition to any damage caused. On a failed save, the creature's movement speed is halved until the start of your next turn.
It also has the following Ancestral Traits:
  • Guided By The Past: The knowledge of previous bearers will sometimes speak to the wielder and impart its wisdom. When making an ability check, you can channel the wisdom of the relic for aid and gain a 1d4 bonus to the check. You must complete a short or long rest before using this ability again.
  • Calculating: When you find yourself in a confrontational situation, the relic will encourage you to bide your time and not rush in.
Limit Break (Limit Breaks can trigger on a Critical Hit once per long rest):
  • Judgement of Light: The target has its AC permanently reduced by 4 and emits 15 feet of bright light for 1 hour, any enemy in the light cannot benefit from being hidden or invisibility.


The Ame no Makakoyumi has been passed down for four generations of the Nashi family. During that time, no one has ever been able to identify the mysterious design of woven crystals.  The truth of where the weapon originated from has been lost to the years, but may have been brought to the Lower Realms from across the seas. Rumors of crystal worshiping cultures from the far west have long been mentioned by sailors and travelers.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Relic Weapon
2 lbs
Raw materials & Components
Crystal, Maple Wood, Bronze