Bracer of the Horse Lord

Wonderous Item (Bracer), Relic Weapon
Attunement Required (Cleric)   This bracer consists of clear glass rings that encircle the wearer's arm. They have faint frosted lines along the edges that take on naturalistic patterns that hint at its fey origin. When the bracers move through the air, they leave a slight transparent white trail in the air. Running your finger along the bracers glass will produce a low humming sound similar to running your finger around a water glass' rim.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Bracer of the Horse Lord has the following Soul Point Enchantments:
  • Magical Core (Blade Ward) [2 SP]: You can cast the cantrip Blade Ward from this relic twice per long rest.
  • Deathward [1 SP]: You have advantage on death saving throws.
  • Fearward [1 SP]: You have advantage on saving throws against the frightened condition.
It also has the following Ancestral Traits:
  • Distorting: The relic shimmers constantly, and is always seen to be magical by those who view it.
  • Serene: When you are in a calm situation, you feel exceptionally content.
Special Trait:
  • When the hand of the arm that the bracer is on is empty, you can summon a spectral shield with this bracer. It acts as a normal shield, but cannot be disarmed while activated.
Limit Break (Limit Breaks can trigger once per long rest):
  • When you cast a spell that heals and you roll the maximum number on one of the healing dice, you can choose to limit break and roll all maximum number dice again. The value of this die can be used to heal the original target or another target within 30 ft of the original target. If this new die also rolls maximum, you may continue this process until you don’t roll the maximum.


There are many faerie tales about the Bracer of the Horse Lord, but the most commonly told is this:   In the ancient times before the Fiadmorai became whole and wild magics rained chaos upon the fey, there was a young fairy and his pixie beloved. They survived and lived blessed lives under the green forest. But these were times of war and struggle for much of the Fey. Titania, queen of the faeries, called forth every loyal soul who would hear her to come and serve. The fairy had no choice, for his queen commanded it of him.     The war across the feywild lasted longer than you could count to and then twice as long as that. Faerie kind crossed blades and shed blood in a war for control of the realm. The young fairy however, only sought to return to his dear beloved pixie. One day while he was searching the enemy front, he spotted Nintra Siotta - the Princess of Shadow Glass - wielding an orb of black glass that she used to conjure forth a terrible spell that bound the defeated and dead to her command. The fairy was sure that this dark sorcery is what was keeping this savage war going, and without that relic the forces of the Queen of Nothing and Darkness would dwindle before Titania in no time. So he followed Nintra Siotta back to her twisted den, a hut of shadow and fear that loomed through the dark parts of the forest atop a pair of scrawny bird legs.     In the cover of night, the Fairy snuck into Nintra Siotta’s house while the house slept on a small hill. He slid and slunk and ducked and dove through the sorceress’ home until he found the object that he coveted - the orb of black glass. He grabbed it and fled back into the forest, but Nintra Siotta was not blind, nor dumb, nor unaware of the fairies presence. She watched him grab the orb, she watched where he fled, and she saw his heart - for the orb was her eye and the eye was her orb. She would not forget nor forgive nor show mercy to the small faerie. For Nintra Siotta can do none of these things. Instead, she awoke her house and marched not to Titania’s camps but the small green forest where a pixie lied sleeping and waiting for her beloved to return.     When the fairy came home, promoted to general of the cavalry - his chest decorated with medals and a cap full of feathers, a bag over his shoulder carrying his prize - an orb of black glass, cleansed by Titiania and made silver and shine so that not a dim haze or dark fog would ever touch it. But alas, his return home was scarred by finding his beloved dead on the soft grass, a dagger of shadowy glass plunged deep into her heart. The fairy was devastated,     His heart broken, rage consumed the fairy as he smashed his prize - the silvery orb - and cursed the whole war. He just wanted to protect those he loved and now he had failed at even that. But that’s when a smile appeared in the shadows of the glen. It started as a smirk and grew into a wide, toothy, grin as the Harlequin stepped out from the wall into the Fairies home.     “Such sorrow”, the Harlequin said, “such delicious hate. How may I take this feast from your plate?”     The fairy looked up with tears in his eyes. The Harlequin took no sides in the war, and neither side had the courage to seek him out. It was the embodiment of wild magic, and that made it dangerous. But at this point, the fairy was beyond caring. He begged and pleaded to bring his beloved pixie back.     “Love and life may shake hands, but the dance always ends. You wish to parley with the grave today but there will be a price to pay if you should wish to mend.”     The fairy cried, and begged, and pleaded, and groveled. He said he would do anything to bring her back to life. The Harlequin shrugged. It had warned the faerie. And thus it snapped its fingers and the shattered glass and the black glass dagger swirled into the air.     “If love is true, then it shall prevail beyond time, and space, and form, and face. A second chance is given, but you must past this test. Should love ring true, then no matter who, should still match the best!”     As the sparkling shards of glass spun in the air, the pixie and faerie began to float too. They also began to twist and change in shape. The fairy’s limbs grew long, his digits became hooves, his back sprouted wings and a horn sprouted from his head. The pixie’s form also changed, but the former fairy could not see into what or who, but her eyes opened for just a moment and warm smile grew on her face as she said, “Eachthighern, thou art home!” before the shadowy shards of the dagger formed a bracelet around her right wrist and snapped close which caused the pixie in her new form to vanish.     The unicorn, former faerie, stomped his hooves at the Harlequin, as the silvery clear glass formed a similar but differently colored bracelet around the unicorn’s horn.     “Do not look to me for blame. Could have left her dead, it was all the same. But to this test you did agree, so listen well and listen to me. She is gone, somewhere out there in time and space. Her mind is lost, she no longer knows your face. Her bracelet shall be the key, to set you both free, if you reunite and true love burns still, you’ll regain your form and she her will. This I shall guarantee.” The Harlequin stepped back into the shadows of a wall, his grin became a smirk, and then vanished. Thus the Lord of Horses was left alone. And this shining glass bracer all that remains to remind him of his test, his love, and his fate.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Relic Weapon.
1 lbs
Raw materials & Components
Forged from mystical glass supposedly purified by the Fae Queen Titania.