
Coda is a fun loving satyr who revels in new experiences, and using his recently bestowed powers on those in need (or those in want, for the right price) as he makes his way through the strange material plane.

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Triswell - Month 7

So much healing after finding my powers, and the people give me money! A man came with his friends and walked me to the Grand Cathedral! It had a garden like back home, well, maybe almost like it. This LAME group is up to no good and they need people with talent. Hero's Vigil, here we come! Xyneg is the man to see. Ketin is mean, I hope he likes my drawing :)

The Material Plane - Day 1

What are these rings? How did I get here? My family... monsters! How can that be?! This place is scary and new, but amazing! I feel different somehow, like I found something I never knew I was being pulled toward, this place the strange people that live here call "Triswell".