Draconic Magic

Only recently has the world had a chance to bear witness to the full power of so-called ‘Draconic Magic’ or more precisely a unique form of arcane manipulation practiced by the Dragonborn of Arkhosia. While the initial impression was that they used the already well-documented Shamanic Path methodology, closer inspection showed one glaring difference. An almost symbiotic relationship with the Arcane Flow.   Instead of simply grabbing and pulling a quantity of arcane power to manipulate, the Dragonborn seem to have the ability to tap into the Flow and seemingly request its aid, with the Flow then accommodating and giving itself to the Dragonborn to use. This is regarded as an incredibly strange phenomenon that has not been witnessed with any other creature in the known world.   As stated by one guild wizard who was lucky enough to witness it and live: “It was like they had the magic’s permission to use it.”