
Halfling history reflects their race fairly well - it’s short and not too concerned with itself.    While there are many theories about where the halflings came from or who they descended from - the Church insists they were created by the Gods in the First Age, other theories include a subrace of the Dwarves - the one’s least concerned with the question are the halflings themselves.    After all, worrying about the past is no way to approach the future. Halflings love to live for the day. They enjoy people and places and good company. This penchant for the optimistic has made the halfling a master at integrating into society. Be it as an entertainer, a trader, or a proprietor of a business, they can find a way to settle into anywhere.   Most halflings find themselves divided into two groups. Much like Mountain and Hill Dwarves, the differences are mostly slight and the two groups really don't have anything against each other beyond recognizing their separate strengths.  The Lightfoot Halflings are agile and quick, generally finding a welcome place as hunters and scouts in villages across the Borderlands.  In the cities however, you'd be more likely to find a Stout Halfling whose sturdier build make for good workers in construction or hauling wares.  Their jovial spirits however make halflings of any kind a welcome guest or a happy patron.  

Outsider Halflings

Not all Halflings want to be good company or friendly hosts however.  There are stories of wild halflings in the Southern Wilds that have forsworn every shred of civilization and faith and devoted themselves to the worship of the elements and the Primordials.  These Lotusden Halflings are often practitioners of druidic arts, and hide away in the thick jungles of the Wilds, shunning outsiders to their clans and families.   Another clan of Halflings that don't wish to associate with the rest of the world are the mysterious Ghostwise Halflings.  These Halflings have no dedicated place they call their own, they travel mostly in tightly knit families and steer clear of most points of civilization.  Some are said to sail on ships and only come to shore for supplies.  Others wander from hiding place to hiding place atop giant owls they've trained to spirit them across the sky at night.  No one knows how many Ghostwise families exist in the world or even in the Lower Realms.
Age: A halfling reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and generally lives into the middle of his or her second century.   Size: Halflings average about 3 feet tall and weigh about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.   Available Types:
  • Ghostwise Halfling
  • Lightfoot Halfling
  • Lotusden Halfling
  • Stout Halfling