Hand of the Emperor

Weapon (MagiTech ), Relic Weapon
Attunement Required (MagicTech Proficiency)
  This modular weapon capable of shifting between a magitech rifle and sword was said to once be wielded by the Emperor of Veston himself.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Hand of the Emperor has the following Soul Point enchantments:
  • Enhanced Weapon (Rank I) [3 SP]: You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
  • Unflinching [1 SP]: Being within 5 ft of a hostile creature doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.
It also has the following Ancestral Traits:
  • Homing: You can use an action to mark your current location. For the next 24 hours, the relic will always be able to guide you back to that location.
  • Thoughtful: The relic fills you with pride when a creative solution to a problem comes to fruition.
Special Trait:
  • The Hand of the Emperor can swap between being a Magitech Blade and a Magitech Standardized Rifle as a bonus action. Both forms share the same 3 magishot slots, but each form retains its default cantrip (Sword Burst and Acid Splash respectively).
Limit Break (Limit Breaks can trigger on a Critical Hit once per long rest):
  • Magitech Warp: After resolving the triggering attack, you may teleport up to twice your speed.  Enemies with 5 feet of your starting and ending point must make a DC 12 Dexterity save or take 3d10 force damage and are restrained until the start of your next turn. On a success, they take half as much and have their speed reduced by half instead.


The Hand of the Emperor was said to be built by Emperor Veston as his magnum opus of his early experiments of magitechnology.  It was said to only wieldable by a magitech expert that could take advantage of the ability to shift rapidly between a sword and rifle to expert neutralize and dominate the battlefield.   The weapon was said to be used during the Conquests of Unification in the Dark North and was the weapon used by Veston in his legendary duel with Lord Galarus of the Traditionalists in the court of Onsingerion that ultimately ended with leadership being yielded to Veston, making him the first and only emperor of the unified north in year 62 of the Third Age.   Though the weapon itself is not as storied as many of relics of the ancient world, the unique design, the required mastery, and the historical significance all contribute to this legendary weapons prestige in the annals of Donam'ua.
Item type
Weapon, Other
Relic Weapon.
20 lbs
Raw materials & Components
Steel with Magithyst core.