Jotunseir (Yo-Ton-See-Ur)

Weapon (Warhammer), Relic Weapon
Attunement Required   This silver warhammer is forged from Primal Adamantite with design patterns of fists raised in the air along the sides done in sterling electrum. At the center of the hammer's head is a glimmering blue jewel that sparks with electricity as a swirling storm can be faintly be seen within the gem. Jotunseir appears to be a crudely made stone hammer until it is held by the person attuned to to it.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Jotunseir has the following Soul Point Enchantments:
  • Overpower (Brawler) [2 SP]: If the d20 roll for an attack made with this weapon is a 19 or 20, you can force a creature that suffers damage from this weapon in the attack to make a DC 14 STR saving throw in addition to any damage caused. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone.
  • Bully [1 SP]: You gain advantage on CHA(Intimidation) checks when the target can see you and you are holding this weapon.
  • Fearward [1 SP]: You have advantage on saving throws against the frightened condition.
It also has the following Ancestral Traits:
  • Sinister: The soul of the weapon is pleased when it witnesses the downfall of others, and expresses this by filling you with happiness.
  • Bravado: If struck against an inanimate object, the weapon lets out a thunderous noise that can be heard for 300ft.
Limit Break (Limit Breaks can trigger on a Critical Hit once per long rest):
  • Until the end of combat, Jotunseir increases in size to a giant weapon. The base damage is increased to 2d8 when wielded one-handed, or 2d10 when wielded with two hands. This increased damage also applies to the damage of the triggering critical hit.


  • Relic: Base level. Enhancement Change Cost: 1 Uncommon Material.
  • Awoken: Upgrade Story Related. Enhancement Change Cost: 1x Rare Material.
  • Completed: Upgrade Story Related. Enhancement Change Cost: 1x Mythic Material.
  • Enhancement


Legends say that Jotunseir was forged in bloody days of the Titan Wars in the First Age.  Where the giants rebelled against their masters beneath the raging sky of the chaos in order to seek freedom on the other side of the Great Disc. A giant called upon the primordial prince of earth - Ogremoch - to beseech the god for aid.  Ogremoch responded with offering shining ore from the Plane of Earth, stronger than anything found on the Disc, but in exchange Ogremoch demanded the giant's hand.  The Giant agreed and his hand turned to lifeless stone.   The Giant now had to forge his weapon.  He traveled to the Plane of Fire and called out its prince - Imix - for a flame hot enough to melt the ore and make a hammer to lead them to victory.  Imix pondered this request and said that such a flame does exist in the depths of his domain, but it cannot be ignited without a sacrifice.  The Giant said he would give anything and Imix smiled, knowing that would be the Giant's response.  Imix led him to a forge in the center of an ocean of flame.  He pointed at the furnace and told the Giant that it can only be ignited by the eye of one who seeks vengeance.  The Giant nodded and knew what he had to do, he approached the furnace and with his remaining hand, ripped out his own eye then cast it in.  The white flames roared to life and the Giant was able to smelt and forge his new hammer.   But the hammer alone was not enough, the Giant needed power.  So he went to Yan-C-Bin, the primordial prince of air, and asked for the gift of the storms to empower this new weapon to the strength of a storm titan and beyond.  Yan-C-Bin agreed and offered the Giant a gemstone infused with the tempest itself, but in exchange for a gemstone, Yan-C-Bin asked for a gem in exchange, the gem of the Giant's remaining eye - his beloved.  The Giant's heart grew heavy and his brow furrowed as he debated - he would sacrifice his eye and his hand for their freedom, but could he sacrifice another person? Especially his dearest heart?  As much as it pained him, he agreed and his dear beloved was torn to pieces by the howling winds of the Prince of Air.  In her place, lied a stone that pulsed and crackled with the fury of a storm and a heart betrayed.   Armed with this new weapon which the Giant dubbed 'Jotunseir' or 'Victory of the Giants', the Giant fought the Cloud Titan, Thuullah, and broke through Thuullah's forces to lead the other giants to the surface of the Great Disc, securing freedom for the giants from their elemental overlords.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Relic Weapon.
2 lbs
Raw materials & Components
The hammer is forged of Primal Adamantite, a material that can only be found within the deepest mines of the Plane of Earth.

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