The Creation of the World

The origins of the Great Disc as told by the The Holy Church :   Before the dawn of time, the Gods came to our universe from beyond with the goal of protecting and saving us all. They called forth a legion of their finest angels and strongest elementals and tasked them with creating a world that their creations could flourish on. The world was made with two faces to it, one for the elementals and one for the angels and thus it was divided and made equal to preserve the eternal peace between the Astral and the Chaos. The King of Crows cast forth his shadowy hand into the depths of night and pulled forth the five moons: Celestia, Infernus, Limbo, Pandemonium, and Mechanus.   When the Gods saw their new world and deem it worthy, the Guardian ignited Time itself and set all things in motion.   But treachery lied amongst the Gods, for one of them had an agenda of their own: The Watcher took divine weapon in hand and cast a terrible spell over the world and sealed it away from the Gods’ loving care. Should the Gods attempt to aid the world, they would be weakened and harmed by the ordeal. Thus The Watcher became The Betrayer forever more.   However, the Gods’ mercy was so powerful and all-encompassing that they defied the Betrayer’s trap and descended to our world regardless. There they gave the world Magic and with it created life: Humans, Halflings, Elves, and Gnomes. They seeded the deep earths with the Dwarves to act as our eternal protectors should the need arise. With their great work completed to perfection, the Gods ascended beyond the Betrayer’s barrier once more to their homes in the sky, the great lunar palaces. The Elder Elemental descended to his palace at the heart of the Chaos. The world had begun.