The Twelve Legendary Heroes

The Twelve Legendary Heroes were a band of adventurers that served with the future king, Aldmerus Goldenbraid, during the late years of the Third Age.  Following Goldenbraid's ascension to the throne of Altamere in the Fourth Age, the group of heroes continued to carry on their good works under the same name albeit with ever decreasing numbers. They never replenished their ranks but also called themselves the Twelve Legendary Heroes.   Their most notable feat was helping defeat Arkhos the Dragon Queen at the end of the Age of Fire and ushered in the new Altamerus Kingdom that reigned much of the Age of Heroes. They serve as an inspiration for all adventurers, and while not divinity they are often presented as saint-like shrines that are put up in Adventurer’s Guild stations across the Borderlands.  
  • Aldmerus Goldenbraid - Dwarf Paladin
  • Isaac Blackbourne - Human Fighter
  • Thyrol the Quick - Halfling Rogue
  • Serah Sylverstorm - Half-Elf Wizard
  • Pufferyn Tanix - Gnome Warlock
  • Ulfbor the Green - Shifter Druid
  • Tomas Illinshire - Elf Ranger
  • Erica of the Choirs - Human Cleric
  • Oltanna - Iosvih’elen Dragonborn Sorcerer
  • Dolgerant Stonefoot - Dwarven Monk
  • Gart - Half-Giant Barbarian
  • Pietro Duvarris - Tiefling Bard