Twilight War

The Twilight War was named such for it serving as the historical and mythological end of one world and the beginning of a new one, just as twilight describes both dusk and dawn. It was the primary conflict that ultimate gave rise to the cosmological standing of the known universe, with the Gods of Order ruling over the surface of the Great Disc and The Astral Sky and the Gods of Chaos ruling The Chaos and the Underworld.  

Start of the War - The Ordering

The War was said to begin when the Old Gods, a pantheon of ancient and powerful beings from another universe, found the suitable primordial elements to forge a new world. They claimed the materials and began to form their perfect world, either not knowing or not caring that the raw elements belonged to the ancient primordials who dwelt in the vast Elemental Chaos that churned below their new world. The Old Gods did not find any fault, believing that their ordering of a chaotic universe was a gift, but the primordials were beings of constant changes and the Old Gods' "Ordering" was an affront to their very being. It was then that the Primordials struck back by destroying the perfect world and reclaiming what was theirs. Thus began the Twilight War.  

A War Without Time

It is important to know that the Twilight War occurred in a universe in which the concept and laws of time had not been set in motion yet. The battles and conflicts occurred in a moment, all at once, or stretched across seeming millennia and none would be able to recognize the difference. Because of this, legends and scriptures of the Twilight War focus on events that occurred rather than the sequence. It is known how the War began and how it ended, but in between is nothing but a series of isolated but impactful events.

The Conflict


  • The Death of the Old Gods
  • The Primordials pushed back to the Chaos


  • The Formation of the Great Disc
  • The Establishment of the Gods of Order
  • The Treaty of Balance formed between the Gods of Order and Chaos

Historical Significance


The Twilight War is widely regarded as the crucial event that created the cosmological status quo that the Great Disc operates under to the modern age.  It established the current Pantheon worshiped by The Holy Church and created the dichotomy of order and chaos that controls the two sides of the Disc.
Conflict Result
New Gods Victorious


The Old Gods

Led by


As Gods, they commanded limitless divine power.  They had the power to reshape reality and shape matter to their whims.  The Old Gods were said to be powerful enough to traverse the multiverse.


All of the Old Gods perished in the arrival of the New Gods.


Maintain control of the universe.
The Chaos Primordials

Led by


The Chaos Primordials were the natives of the universe, and thus had familiarity with all the tools available to them.  They also had the ability to abruptly change their nature and abilities to adapt to any circumstance at a moments notice.


  • Miskav the Spider-Beast was slain by the Old Gods
  • Duur-Bakal was slain by the Old Gods
  • Izek-Hus, Lord of Fear was slain by the Old Gods
  • Objectives

    Preserve their dominance on their native lands. Prevent structure and order from taking control of the perceived natural state.
    The New Gods

    Led by


    They possessed an unknown magic that allowed them to defeat vast numbers of enemies in a single spell.




  • To bring peace & order to the universe.
  • To defeat the Mad God from before his power grew too great.