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Prince Athoril Larethaen

The Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Heroncourt, Prince Athoril possesses the deep, brooding appearance of his father but the cutting wit and charm of his mother.   Though young, many are already speculating whether or not the scion of Heroncourt will continue the militaristic footsteps of his father, or take the United Elven Kingdoms in a different direction. Of course, that is if he lives long enough to assume his father's place on the throne. Though only 32 years of age, he has already survived no less than 15 assassination attempts - most before the age of 10. None of the other kingdoms of Sidhe Karobh have claimed responsibility for any of these attempts, and the assassins have thus far never lived long enough to divulge their masters.   As a result, Prince Athoril is never allowed out without his Bladesinger bodyguard (and bastard half-brother Theo) at his side. Unlike many of Elven nobility, the Prince does not wield his Bladesinger like a personal attack dog. Instead, he utilizes his half-brother's skills only when necessary - much to the disappointment of the Queen. The Prince does not make any public displays of affection towards Theo, so it seems unlikely that this restraint is shown out of a sense of familial loyalty.
Dark blue-black
Long, sleek, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
5' 10"
100 lbs.

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