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Sidhe Karobh (She Caroob)

United Elven Kingdoms of Dorathia

Officially known as the United Elven Kingdoms, Sidhe Karobh is ruled by a tentative alliance of Elven kingdoms.   Until recently, the Elven Kingdoms had largely operated as their own autonimous nations. The long lifelines of Elves meant that rulers and advisers could retain their positions of power for two and three normal lifetimes. To humans, this seemed like the ideal national format - a ruler had more than enough time to enact meaningful, permanent gestures in their domains. To the Elves, however, this often became centuries of intolerance and lack of change.   In 420 P.D., the first of the interkingdom wars began. The united kingdoms of Solor and Heroncourt were laid siege by the naval forces of the island kingdom of Ist. Though vastly outnumered, Ist possessed massive warships powered by an unknown and mysterious arcane power. Their weapons could sink entire fleets in moments, and blast holes through even magically protected city walls. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Marwood sought to expand their control of Selkie Bay by moving troops into the deltas of their neighboring kingdom of Luxor. Though well-trained, their infantry and calvary units could not move quickly through the delta's spread out isles. As fast as they could fortify one island, the Luxorian longships had surrounded them and would drive them out.   These bloody wars continued for over a century, with thousands of Elven lives being cut short in merciless and costly campaigns. The sudden arrival of the Feywild Autumn Court in the Kingdom of Elkhome only added to the political strife and scheming. Whose side were these mysterious Fey on? Did they come as conquerors or visitors? Any attempt to infiltrate the Fey-touched woods that now surrounded by the kingdom were met with disappearances and chaos.   However, it was the arrival of King Melail Larethaen and his Warforged army that forever altered the course of the region. The young Elven King of the Kingdom of Heroncourt had grown tired of seeing his people slaughter each other. He pacified Heroncourt, and then quickly expanded outward to settle all of the civil strife swiftly and with an iron fist. Ist's invading forces were driven back and their rulers slaughtered. Alliances were drawn up instead of war plans. Any noble that sought to challenge King Larethaen would be made to do so openly and in public, and face the King himself in single combat. So far, no one has ever won that challenge.   Though Sidhe Karobh is considered the "united kingdoms" of the Elves, the truth is that only half of the region rests comfortably under that banner. The swampy Kingdom of Hethu maintains a tentative peace treaty, but refuses to fully bend the knee. The people of Ist have largely isolated themselves and do not trade or deal with any outside territories. The Winter Court's stolen region of Helcin Court recognizes no King or Queen, but seem primarily focused solely on keeping an eye on the dealings of Elkhome's Autumn Court.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Subsidiary Organizations

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