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Dunslough is a ghetto for the destitute poor of the city, as well as the site of Ironhook Prison and its labor camp. Originally, the ghetto was a neighborhood for families of prisoners, but over the years, extreme poverty and neglect have worn it down into a sodden ruin. A vicious cycle plays out here: crime driven by desperation, then arrest, incarceration, and release back to Dunslough--giving Ironhook an endless supply of laborers to exploit.


Mud-covered laborers returning from the Mire. Destitute families scrounging for scraps along the roadway to the Barrowcleft farms. Bored Ironhook guards, rifles slung on their backs, watching a taskmaster lash a labor camp prisoner. The streets are cramped, multi-level--some of stone but many of dirt, sodden into thick black mud. No street names to be found. The buildings are decrepit wooden row houses, many abandoned from the fire damage or fallen-in from age. Stone silos, clanking steam machinery, and metal sheds for dredging equipment.  


  • Wealth: 0/4
  • Security & Safety: 0/4
  • Criminal Influence: 2/4
  • Occult Influence: 1/4




Master Krocket. An unsavory, greasy-haired, scarecrow of a man who runs the snarling pack of vicious dogs used by Ironhook to track down escapees and sniff out contraband and tunnels. His dog-handlers can be found around the labor camp and all about Dunslough, using their status with the prison for favors and bribes. (Cruel, Greedy, Ruthless)   Vandra. A deathlands scavenger that survived six runs and was pardoned. She knows the landscape beyond the barrier very well--but few can make sense of her haunted mumblings. (Haunted, Wise)  




Ironhook Prison. A towering metal fortress, where the worst (or most unlucky) criminals are incarcerated. The poorest are forced to work at Dunvil Labor Camp. The most well-connected prisoners manage a comfortable stay, and may even continue to run their criminal enterprises from behind bars.   Dunvil Labor Camp. Poor prisoners who can't afford to bribe the staff at Ironhook spend most of their days toiling at Dunvil Labor Camp, loading precious ores onto barges for the rail station and breaking the larger rocks hauled from the Mire.   Dunslough Ghetto. The most destitute of the city end up in Dunslough, working the Mire for a pittance just to buy their daily bread. The city counts the space as "runoff" for the prison grounds, and does nothing to maintain it.   The Mire. A massive mud-quarry pit, the Mire is the site of the impact of an ancient celestial body, which left behind a variety of precious ores and jewels embedded in the earth.

Special Trait



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