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Common Natives

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Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious people among the lineages of Arnham. Whatever drives them, humans are the innovators, the achievers, and the pioneers of the world.   Centuries ago they were liberated from the dragons who enslaved them by the Elves, who then taught them the way of Civility so that when the Elves left to return to their homeworld, Humans had all the knowledge they needed to rule the earth.

Dwarf (Hill)

Hardy, stocky and bold are the Dwarves of Arnham and known across the land as skilled warriors and workers.   Traditionally the Dwarves lived under and around the mountain range now known as Sunderidge. When the mountain range exploded, revealing itself as a dormant volcano, the Dwarves that lived inside the mountain were violently evicted from their ancestral home. Those that lived in the lands of Torne have maintained their lands, but those that lived inside the mountain now live as refugees and immigrants within human lands.

Dwarf (Mountain)

Hardy, stocky and bold are the Dwarves of Arnham and known across the land as skilled warriors and workers.   Traditionally the Dwarves lived under and around the mountain range now known as Sunderidge. When the mountain range exploded, revealing itself as a dormant volcano, the Dwarves that lived inside the mountain were violently evicted from their ancestral home. Those that lived in the lands of Torne have maintained their lands, but those that lived inside the mountain now live as refugees and immigrants within human lands.

Gnome (Gardener)

Although diminutive in stature, the Gnomes have boundless amounts of enthusiasm and love for all things in life, small and large.   Originally creatures that live in underground colonies, Gnomes have spread as far around the continent as their little feet will carry them. Many ultimately keep to their colonies, but some have moved above ground to live on and run farms and vineyards, and some further still have moved to live in the big human cities, where they find their small statue gives them a unique advantage in maneuvering their way around the crowded streets.

Uncommon Natives

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The drakken are a bipedal lizard species, with thick scaly skin, long powerful tails and clawed hands. They possess an alien and inscrutable mindset, their desires and thoughts driven by a different set of basic principles than those of warm-blooded creatures.   Created by dragons centuries ago as troops to fight in their war with the elves, the drakken have always devoted themselves to their creators even long after the fall of the dragons. These days they are scattered across the continent, living in small tribal units and revering their draconic ancestors as if gods.

Gnome (Forester)

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Nervim are typically timid and shy, but they are dangerous and vicious if cornered. As rodent-like humanoids, the Nervim have short matted fur over their bodies, a long tail and powerful teeth that can chew through near anything.   The Nervim are naturally suited to sulking in dark places and scavenging scraps left behind by other people. Because of this they will often set up nests in deserted parts of cities such as sewers or abandoned buildings, leaving only to rummage through bins to look for food.   They are a short lived, living for only about 25 years and not even the Nervim really know of their history as each nest's only focus is to avoid being wiped out as "pests" as they are often seen by others.


Orcs are large hulking humanoids, with thick stone grey skin. They live to challenge themselves, constantly seeking out battles that will test their ability to overcome more and more powerful foes so they can prove themselves honourable warriors in the eyes of their clans.   Although most Orcs are part of the warrior clans that reside upon the island of Hraezelfr, there are many Orcs who (for whatever reason) have found themselves in the lands of Arnham, where many have found work as mercenaries, bodyguards or even as just manual laborers. Some of those who are separated from the clans will maintain the honourable mantras of the clans, while others will ditch that altogether, giving into more 'dishonorable' attitudes.



The Elvish are the progeny of the time the Elves walked Arnham alongside Humans. They are an almost otherworldly people, inheriting some of their Elven ascendants' grace and beauty while being grounded in mortality like their human neighbours.   The Elvish find themselves in an awkward midground, being unwanted by either of their parent lineages. The Elves abandoned the Elvish when they returned to their homeworld, claiming them to be a mistake and unworthy of it. The Humans followed suit, chasing the Elvish from their towns and cities and forcing them into the wilderness. Now the Elvish find themselves as vagabonds, trying to find their place in Arnham.


Firbolg tribes cloister in remote forest strongholds, preferring to spend their days in quiet harmony with the woods. When provoked, firbolgs demonstrate formidable skills with weapons and druidic magic.




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Being a Cambion in the lands of Arnham is a difficult life as many will be greeted with stares, mistrust or fear if they aren't all together threatened with violence and chased from towns and cities.   Cambions are spawned for many reasons, a curse upon one's family might mean their first born child is born with red skin and horns, a child born during an eclipse might have pupiless eyes and scaly skin, or a prince might be tricked into having a child with a demon in disguise. But even then, many Cambions don't survive infancy. The mix of aberrant demon blood with mortal body often causes the child to be stillborn, and those that don't might just end up being killed by the Abbey of Civility to 'save unleashing evil into the world'.   Those that do survive to grow often are the few born in secrecy, and hidden away from the Abbey and other civilised folk, an attitude they will need to adopt for all their life if they are to survive in the world.  


Godlings are placed in the world to serve as guardians of law and good. The Abbey venerates them, expecting them to strike at evil, lead by example, and further the cause of justice.   Most typically, there is a chance a Godling is spawned when a child is born during the sunlight in Grezka, but similar to Cambions there are many reasons why a Godling may be born. However, unlike Cambions the trappings of a Godling are much more subtle, some of the prominent signs can be feathers mixed in with their hair or golden / silver pupils, but many don't look any different from a regular human. The only commonality between all Godlings is their blood, which is a shining gold colour.


The Grendel, sometimes called beastfolk, are humans able to temporarily transform into animalistic forms to enhance their abilities. Once transformed, the Grendel appear as if a bipedal carnivorous mammals, with fangs, claws and furred skin being commonplace. When in their human forms, a Grendel looks no different from any other Human, save for a second set of canines on their top row of teeth. No one is sure where the Grendel curse comes from, but it is widespread enough that Grendels appear throughout human lands. The curse is passed through bloodlines, and Grendel parents will always give birth to Grendel children, even if only one of the parents is afflicted with it, this often leads Grendels to seek a life of solidarity, trying their best to avoid passing on their curse. On rare occasions, a Grendel child is born to parents with no Grendel traits, but in these instances it is thought that the Grendel curse lies dormant in one of the parents, instead of occurring randomly.


The Numerus are living constructs made from wood, metal or stone, who walk on two legs and are able to feel pain and emotion like any other humanoid. They vary in size from Human height to giants akin to the size of Orcs, depending on the purpose they were made for. Each is primarily created from one material and stylised to resemble the form of an animal. Created by the Elves during their war with the Dragons, the Numerus now wander the land trying to find a new purpose. They were never designed to live past the war, but by the skill of their creators the Numerus are effectively immortal. They 'live' just over a decade before becoming inanimate for around a century, entering a recharge state where they appear as little more than statues. Because of this, Numerus often feel like they never fit into society, and many have grown to give up trying altogether.


Weird people touched by the ashes of Umbral...

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