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Notable Events (Descent Campaign)

The Modern Aeon

A time of relative peace, beginning at the end of the Ascension War through to the current day.

  • 1134 ma
    The Present Day

    A group of adventurers travel into the bowels of Umbral, bound together only by the strangest stroke of fate, in an attempt to save the lost city of Ashhold and prevent the Arch-Devil Thane from destroying their world.

  • 1134 ma

    The Great Fire of Ashhold
    Disaster / Destruction

    A calamitous fire gutted the medieval city of Ashhold, leaving nothing but rubble and ash in its wake.

    Additional timelines
  • 1130 ma

    Magical Licenses introduced
    Diplomatic action

    In recognition of the aid magic brought to the defence of Dowerbridge during its time of need, an amendment is made to the Barons Alliance declaration. The amendment, known as the Arcanist’s agreement, allows for people who posses magical talents to be considered legal citizens of Arnham and thus be protected from prosecution from justicars.   However, The Arcanist’s agreement was not universally agreed to and some of the Baronies of Arnham refused to acknowledge it.

  • 1129 ma

    The Sacking of Dowerbridge
    Military action

    An army of hobgoblins attacked the city of Dowerbridge, laying waste to its bureaucratic district and threatening to destroy the entire city. The hobgoblin force was thwarted and forced to retreat by the joint efforts of the city watch, the city's justicar regiment and vigilante arcanists led by Gelder val Terran.

  • 1068 ma

    Firearms are invented
    Technological achievement

    Inspired by the conflict of the Kostrandic civil war, the now infamous artist and inventor Wolfram val Marte created the first mass produced firearms to even the odds between the Kostrandic military and the rebel magic users they faced.

  • 1061 ma

    Dowerbridge becomes the capital of Brattenshire
    Political event

    Indicative of Brattenshire's steer toward industrial innovation as its defining characteristic, the courts voted for the industrial city of Dowerbridge to stand as the nation's new capital. Stealing the role away from the ancient (and to some archaic) religious city of Ashhold.

    Additional timelines
  • 994 ma

    The Ashguard storm into Umbral
    Military action

    Led by visions granted to her by the angel Thane, Justicar-Marshal Aurelia formed an army called the Ashguard. She led the Ashguard through a portal to Umbral to join with the angel Thane and her forces in battle against the dragon Rinkarr and its assembled demonic horde.

    Additional timelines
  • 917 ma

    The Barons Alliance forms
    Diplomatic action

    After a long, frustrating and stunted civil war in which no nation made any real pushes to invade another's territory a begrudging truce was agreed upon instead. The Barons and Baronesses of each of Arnham's nations came together to sign a declaration, agreeing to peacefully cohabitate the lands of Arnham as separate nations but bound in commonality by each continuing to follow the teachings of Civility.

  • 883 ma

    The Sundering of Arnham
    Disaster / Destruction

    In a cataclysmic event no one could predict, the mountain range at the heart of Arnham violently exploded, revealing its true nature a super volcano which blanketed the lands of Arnham in smog and ash for months. When the skies eventually cleared it was revealed that the entire region of Erimos, the seat of power in the Kingdom of Arnham, has been buried underneath a blanket of magma by the eruption.   With Queen Alexandria and all her known successors to the throne presumed dead, the surviving regions of Arnham quickly found themselves divided on where new leadership should be found. Ultimately each nation decided that they themselves were best placed to take the throne of Arnham as civil war broke out between all of the new nations.

  • Start of the Modern Aeon
    Civility is taught to the people of Arnham
    Era beginning/end

    The elves of Solisteria teach the newly liberated mortals of Arnham how to read, write and the ways of Civility. Over the next couple of years the elves begin to slowly return to Solisteria, leaving the fate of Arnham in the hands of mortals, thus beginning the Modern Aeon.

The Ascension War

A brutal near-century long war between the tyrannical dragon overlords of Arnham and a host of angelic elves who descended from the heavens to liberate the people of Arnham and ascend them into civilisation.

  • 0 pa

    Dragons are driven to extinction and the Ascension War ends
    Military action

    After a brutal 98 years of war the elven forces successfully eliminate the final bastions of the Dragons, driving them to extinction.

  • 7 pa

    The Fall of Cineres (Modern day Ashhold)
    Disaster / Destruction

    In the final years of the war, the Dragon Rinkarr became desperate in the face of the overwhelming forces that threatened it with extinction. Its desperation led the Dragon to strike a bargain with the devils of Umbral, which granted the Dragon a massive horde of demons to command.   With this monstrous horde the Dragon led a bloody assault on the flying elven city of Cineres, damaging the Basilica that kept it afloat and causing the city to crash down to the earth.

    Additional timelines
  • 56 pa

    Dragons create the Drakken
    Cultural event

    In the midst of the Ascension War, after many humans and dwarves had been liberated from their draconic overlords by the elven forces, the Dragons began to find themselves without infantry to battle for them.   As a solution to this, the Dragons concocted a magical ritual that would allow them to create a loyal force of foot soldiers in their own image and from this the Drakken were born.

  • 70 pa

    The War of Ascension begins
    Military action

    The skies opened as battalions of elven forces descended from the heavens, immediately clashing with the unexpecting draconic tyrants of Arnham and beginning the Ascension War.

Prior Aeons

Events that occurred before the elves descended upon Arnham, many of which have only speculative dates affixed to them as the events predate written records.

  • 99 pa - Unknown
    Dragons rule over the land
    Cultural event

    Before the elves arrived in 98 pa, the Dragons ruled over the lands of Arnham unchallenged except from one another.   It is unknown if any previous beings were the dominant species before Dragons, or if the Dragons ruled from the beginning of time all the way until the elves challenged them.