Sardior, Master of Gems

Ruler of gemkind

Divine Sardior (a.k.a. The Brilliant Ruby)

Before the events of the F-G Rebellion took place, there were four deities of dragonkind that stood at the top of the pantheon: Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, Tiamat, Queen of Chromatics, Gruaghlothor, the Supreme Dragon and Saridor, the Ruby Dragon. A benevolent and wise dragon, Sardior held intelligence in high regard. To him, the battles of racial superiority were a stain on dragonkind, as they should have instead focused on making allies with the humanoid races. With the dragons' natural powers and strength, combined with the ingenuity of humankind, the posibilities were endless for what they could accomplish. Unfortunately, his ideals never came to fruition. Instead, he and his forces engaged in a war over ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ territory and power. He succumbed to the same greed and vanity that consumed the rest of dragons. What he sought to accomplish wasn't enough, however, as his rebellion ultimately failed. Despite the failure, he and some of his forces were able to escape Draconia and flee to another plane of existence.
  The name and religion of him are disgraced, but the historical integrity of his values must be maintained. As such, these archives are free to use for educational purposes only. Any attempts to re-establish a church or group under Sardior's name will be met with swift arrest and imprisonment.

Divine Domains

Sardior is often associated with many domains of power that divine spellcasters may call from. However, as a result of his failed rebellion, some of his domains have changed. Those that were once associated with him, but no longer are struck through.

Peace War

While originally preaching peace as one of his chief ideals, Sardior fell to corruption that caused him to become enamored with war. His tenets that called for knowledge to preserve life and its intelligence instead became tenets that embraced masochism and inflicting pain. His thirst for knowledge made him fall to the call of power, rather than resisting it and following in his own steps towards tranquility. The knowledge given to his worshippers enabled them to serve as tacticians in their failed rebellion, while basic foot soldiers utilized the psionic powers afforded to them to warp reality.   Despite these extensive powers and otherworldly intellect, their hubris and arrogance was their downfall. They could not adapt to simple tactics and all their power was wasted as their plans fell to ruin.

Life Death

Prior to the rebellion, Sardior also taught that the sanctity of life was to be preserved. He wanted all creatures to have the chance at bettering themselves and to make something of their lives. The corruption that overtook him instead plagued his mind into believing that intelligence was a right to the elite. Those who were born with it should savor it and keep it for themselves.   Those who studied to gain their intelligence would just be a waste of it, that they would steal the knowledge from those naturally gifted with it. And so his followers turned on themselves. Those who studied his word to gain their intelligence were attacked by their own brothers in worship, slaughtered by the ones they called family. All in order to cause as much suffering and keep their gift to themselves.


Sardior's followers and his dragons were gifted with the power of psionics, spellcasting utilizing the power of the mind. This style of spells lent itself to enchantment, illusions and tricks. It was no such surprise that some of the followers specialized in those areas, turning their focus of studying to it.   While most often utilized it for harmless pranks and practical jokes, it had its applications. An example being that a follower specializing in trickery was who allowed the Rebellion to take place. The Overlords at the final meeting before war were distracted and lulled into a sense of security, which let the rest of the forces have free reign to enter the temple and wreak havoc on the defenseless dragons.


At the center of Sardior's teachings was the focus on intelligence. The broad spectrum of intelligence was one he enjoyed discussing. It's applications, its limits, its potential. The mind fascinated Sardior and it often made him question what one person or creature could be capable of with unmatched intellect. Could they discover new worlds? Could they create something out of nothing? Limitless potential and power were at the fingertips of anyone, they just had to find the right way to seize it.   Despite his genius intellect, Sardior's arrogance led to his downfall. His search for knowledge and power led him into the conflict that wiped out his people. Though, he did achieve his goal. He and some surviving gem dragons managed to create their own plane of existence and escape to it, just with the power of their minds.


Not many artifacts are attributed to Sardior or his followers. Though they focused on discovering new items and applications for magic, that did not entail them creating their own. They found it more enjoyable to dissect and take apart magical items to find out what made them work. The inner machinations were more fascinating than the end result. There was a devoted circle of clerics who delved into the idea of creating an artifact to honor Sardior, though records of their work was never completed. And any additional records that have been unearthed are written in an illegible dialect of ancient Draconic.    Records do note, however, that one artifact does exist that is associated with Sardior: Secjem Iq Pos-Unfin  

 Secjem Iq Pos-Unfin

A circlet bearing seven gems related to Sardior. The gems line the circlet in the following order, from back to front: Sapphire, Amethyst, Crystal, Emerald, Topaz, Obsidian, and finally a Ruby in the middle. Current whereabouts are unknown. Possibly no longer exists. What little information we have suggests it enhanced the mind with the knowledge of previous gem dragons that had sacrificed their minds to forever preserve their knowledge.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sardior and his followers used many symbols to denote their faith. The most common symbol was a bracelet or necklace with a ruby embedded inside of it. The ruby symbolized Sardior's mind, and his followers believed that by carrying this type of symbol with him, that his brilliant mind would always be with them. Other common symbols that were carried were gem-laden rings, red tomes and the occasional gem-encrusted monocle.

A common holy symbol belonging to Sardiorr

The typical holy symbol associated to Sardior

Tenets of Faith

Followers of mine, children of dragonkind, mankind and all other walks of life. Let it be known that we do not seek to harm those who oppose us. Our pursuit is strictly on maintaining the knowledge of the world. We seek to bring peace and order to our volatile lifestyles death and destruction to those who would bring us harm. Should they attempt to harm us, we will not strike back, we will attempt to educate destroy them and their livelihoods. We are a peaceful group, dedicated to the preservation of knowledge our lives. To that order, we shall find out way through this universe, no matter what trials face us. I encourage all of you to face these tribulations of the coming times with boldness, courage and kindness malice. Through our struggles, we will find the light at the end of this dark tunnel. And at the end of this journey together, we shall emerge enlightened and prosperous.
— Sardior, Ruby Dragon
Often hailed as the most brilliant deity of all, Sardior was, in truth, a warmongering tyrant. He was completely hell-bent on the acquisition of knowledge that he would step over the rule of his own siblings to achieve it. Thankfully, his coup failed.
Sardior's insignia most commonly seen on the Draconic Pantheon
Divine Classification
Draconic Deity
Current Status
Existing on another plane.
Date of Birth
1st of Blanc, 1 Era of Dragons
Year of Birth
1 EoD 3045 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created as a result of Io leaving to the afterlife.
He/Him, They/Them
Ruby-shaded, lizard eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red/Bright Ruby scales
15m (Dragon Form) or 5'9" (Dragonborn Form)
The advancement of our people is paramount. We cannot let the Metallics nor the Chromatics outpace us. Their destruction may be our only option left.
— Sardior

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Cover image: by Håvard
Character Portrait image: Sardior by StaticStar1


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