Draconia in Danger



In the first millennia of the Era of Dragons, there were four different types of dragon races: Chromatic, Metallic, Ferrous and Gemstone. The Ferrous and Metallic shared the continent of Metallan and Gemstone and Chromatic's shared Chromaticos. Scholars are not quite sure, but some event occurred that cause the Ferrous and Gemstone dragons to lose favor with the other two races. A massive military operation was organized and set into motion, which led to the genocide of the Ferrous and Gemstone areas. While a majority were wiped out, a few remnants were able to escape using the power of the Obsidian dragons' psionic powers to create a new world. For the next roughly 3000 years, the idea and knowledge of the other dragon races faded into obscurity.


In 3035 EoD, a sudden attack on all important capitals within each region as well as on Quirin Umer was found to be caused by the appearance of Ferrous and Gemstone dragons. The dragon delivered swift hit-and-run attacks that decimated large portions of the city, only to somehow elude capture by shapeshifting into humanoid forms. The attacks caused panic, destruction and a severe mobilization of the army, including increased recruitment efforts to increase military numbers.    The following years were quiet, as the dragons never made another appearance. Behind the scenes, however, the Council of Dragons worked to discover where they came from and how they arrived in Draconia. While they were not able to arrive at any conclusions, they still agreed that the threat of another attack was too real. In 3045 EoD, at one of the yearly meetings at Quirin Umer, the formation of a new branch of military was announced. The Draconian Defense Force Teams. They were to be specialized groups that could handle a variety of tasks, while also finding leads on the dragons that the Council themselves could not. This meeting was interrupted by one of those dragons, who shapeshifted into their dragon form as the meeting was under way. Despite a lengthy battle, the dragon was successful in escaping.

Rising Action

The group of Althos Yuvanka, Maru Tinderhoof, Rey'viri Lightfeather, Torvin Kharne, W.A.N.D.A. and Ahmay Bellamy were drafted into Draconia Defense Team 12. Their first assignment was to investigate Zalesh, where they were able to find a lead on their first day in the capital city of Capsiza. There was a massive sewer system beneath a bar which was used for smuggling weapons and drugs. The man behind the operation was a Sapphire Dragonborn named Shias.



The party seems confused on what their own personal motivations are for being involved with the team. Althos desires a simpler life with his beloved, as well as peace and quiet so he can work on W.A.N.D.A. for the government. Reyviri and Torvin both see it as a job that will provide them money, but don't see much else beyond that. Maru only seems interested in potatoes. Ahmay doesn't speak much, but seems to have some draw towards the idea of saving Draconia.
Plot type
Campaign Plot
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