Tou Shooker (Toe SHOE-kerr)

A strange individual

Professor Tou Shooker (a.k.a. Insaniac)

A strange and reclusive scientist that was once marveled and admired for his intellect. At some point, he fell from his graces in the eyes of educated society. No one besides a select few people from his alumni and the government even know he is still alive.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tou Shooker was born into wealthy family that had escaped slavery and poverty via a contract with their former owner. As a result, Tou was able to attend many of the most prestigious schools during his youth in Virdio. He was the lone outlier in classes filled with dragonborn, dragonkin, kobolds and lizardfolk. This led to ostracization of course, but the teachers who taught the young boy were always impressed with his intellect. He was among the top graduates of his class, hailed for his scientific work and theories that tested the boundaries of planar travel, elemental fusion and bioweaponry.


After graduation, Tou attended Ruxan United, a relatively hard-to-get into university. He enrolled in courses that studied the other planes, specifically the elemental planes and the chaos that consumed them. His fascination with these other worlds also caused intrigue into delving deeper on his ideas of fusion. As he advanced through some of his earlier classes, he branched out to engineering, genetics and bioengineering classes as well. He graduated after six years of study, only to take a job with the military of all places.


Tou's position with the military was as a general scientist. He was afforded materials and money in order to try and prove his numerous theories regarding the elemental planes and how to harness some of their power. At first, his work was a success. He managed to conjure elements from those planes using new spells he managed to inscribe via runic scrolls. But that was the ultimate accumulation of his ability. His meager magical ability led to the subjugated elementals to break free of his control and wreck his lab. His funding was eventually cut, and he was let go after just a year and a half.   After being released from employment he took a few odd jobs that mainly utilized his engineering prowess. He became known for designing some very unique inventions when it came to stoves, distilling stills and other cooking/brewing equipment. Shortly after, he went off the radar and hardly anyone in this day and age knows the history of him.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Current Residence
Lab in Virdio
light brown, patchy and balding
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
75 lbs.


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