Virdio (VER-dee-o)

Grand ol' Virdio. Home of those who are lower than us, yet the central place where we all gather for trade. From what I hear, they're even talking about adopting some of the laws of Metallan to give the 'noids more rights. Doesn't tradition even have a place anymore?
    Virdio is the capital city of Chromaticos . It serves as the central hub of trade, business and exchange between all cultures, races and groups living on the continent of Chromaticos. While in the city, all lesser races are seen as "freed" and are given an extent of their own free will to freely mingle as they please. For many, this is the only ounce of freedom that they will experience living in this society of dragons.


Living Standards

The city is broken up into sections based on a few factors: Wealth, status, influence and occupation. Those who hold a high standing in each category are held in a small district known as Tyurn. The area contains a small amount of luxurious suites that hold the top brass of society in Draconia. A majority of the major political powerhouses, royal families and police powers hold deeds of ownership to rooms of these suites where they reside.   As one descends down the hierarchy, the living conditions begin to dwindle. While those who hold some standing in certain areas may be able to live life in semi-luxury, even those who have an influential job, or wealth beyond one's dreams, they are relegated into districts that may not do them justice. The most common of these being Qyuat, where the middle-class of Virdio is shoveled into. It is an overpacked and dense area of the city where many families must share space. The amount of houses available versus the population that is packed into the area has an immense disparity. Instead, the families of the middle-class are funneled into complexes of studio-like houses and huts, where upwards of three families may all be forced to stay. As such, the living conditions rival that of the lower-class and humanoids, in terms of hygienic standards; only made better by the higher quality of housing.   At the bottom of the totem pole lies the rest of society. The district of Cyram is a muddled mess of abandoned houses turned into living quarters and homeless encampments. The few apartments, houses (if they could even be called that) and other areas of housing are rundown bogs that only serve as shelter from weather. They lack basic utilities, including forms of communication that the other districts make a standard for all living quarters. Organizations that do work in this district are set up in ways to aid the needy, but actually provide very little help, due to the upper echelons in Tyurn efforts to keep "tradition" alive. Often times those that live here have to travel into Qyuat or other subdistricts for their jobs, all while facing scrutiny and ostracization due to their living arrangements.


I swear, upon all that I do, one day, I will eclipse the darkness that plagues our continent. Those that come within our walls need our protection. We are the bastion of freedom within Chromaticos, and I will take that ideal with me to the grave if I must. The pigs that lie in their suites and mansions of Ty-turd won't know what hit them once I'm done with my terms here
— Prya Wyxis, Governor of Ruxan and Mayor of Virdio.

Ruxan is known for being the first region of Chromaticos to break from past tradition. In the past Ruxan, as a whole, was governed by a theocracy that upheld much stricter standards towards the lesser races. That old government was succeeded by a form of democracy called an Electocracy. The citizens capable of voting vote in candidates to vacant offices, but citizens have no say over what laws or decisions those candidates make once in office. To many, this is a step-up from the theocracy that they previously held. While they have no power in determining any form of government decisions, they can at least vote in candidates that they feel will hold them in a more favorable light, rather than having the same family of religious zealots putting their puppets into power over the course of generations.


  • 6,500 Dragonborn of different colorations
  • 1,500 "Freed" humans
  • 500 "Freed" dwarves
  • 250 "Freed" Elves
  • 250 "Freed" Gnomes
  • 1,000 Unregistered residents


The city is protected by the natural cliffs that it rests on. Not only that, but it is surrounded by Lake Renovare, rendering most assaults useless or one-dimensional. The only bridge to cross is heavily guarded by an elite guard, but also reinforced by a military training camp not far behind it. Inside the city lies more combat-capable dragonborn and humanoids ready to defend themselves. Should situations turn dire, air combat can also be factored in by any dragons taking dragonborn form.



The area contains a small amount of luxurious suites that hold the top brass of society in Draconia. A majority of the major political powerhouses, royal families and police powers hold deeds of ownership to rooms of these suites where they reside.  


An overpacked and dense area of the city where many families must share space. The amount of houses available versus the population that is packed into the area has an immense disparity. Instead, the families of the middle-class are funneled into complexes of studio-like houses and huts, where upwards of three families may all be forced to stay. As such, the living conditions rival that of the lower-class and humanoids, in terms of hygienic standards; only made better by the higher quality of housing. Houses many of the guilds available in the city.  


The district of Cyram is a muddled mess of abandoned houses turned into living quarters and homeless encampments. The few apartments, houses (if they could even be called that) and other areas of housing are rundown bogs that only serve as shelter from weather. They lack basic utilities, including forms of communication that the other districts make a standard for all living quarters. Organizations that do work in this district are set up in ways to aid the needy, but actually provide very little help, due to the upper echelons in Tyurn efforts to keep "tradition" alive. Often times those that live here have to travel into Qyuat or other subdistricts for their jobs, all while facing scrutiny and ostracization due to their living arrangements.


Notable Stores

  • Roland's Armory: Weapon and armor shop in Qyuat run by Roland Thigund.
  • Quezar's Baazar: Thrift and assorted shop in Tyurn run by Quezar
  • Tattered Page: Bookshop and magic array in Tyurn run by the Uland Twins.
  • Liquid Gold: Potion shop in Cyram managed by Hangfoot Cripz.

Treasures of Virdio

  • Seed of Eternity
  • Viridescent Oak
  • Equinox Medallion

Guilds and Factions

  • The Artisans Guild
  • The Merchants Guild
  • Gatherer's Garden
  • Smithing Hall

Natural Resources

Magically purified and enriched water from Lake Renovare, as well as fishing taxes from the anglers that come just to fish in the lake.
Founding Date
72 EoD
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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