

Created by Althos Yuvanka as Warfare-adapted Neo-dynamic Automaton 06, W.A.N.D.A. was designed to offer a tactical advantage in military combat through strategic analysis, weaponized magic spells, and mass production. But this prototype W.A.N.D.A. shows serious bugs to be ironed out, such as becoming increasingly self-aware, and looking to Althos with the reverence of a son.   After being created, W.A.N.D.A. is subjected to many inspections and experiments by the Weapons Department of Chromaticos. The inspector is always the same; Amraq Rexan. While she is always cross with Althos, she has always been slightly gentler with W.A.N.D.A., in part because they are a sensitive project that must be kept well-maintained, but also because they seem to have some form of consciousness. To some this may be a flaw, but Amraq views it as a neutral factor, one that could be turned positive.    One such inspection led to a humorous moment between the two, as her tinkering and examination had her accidentally taking W.A.N.D.A.'s arm off. Althos was seething, but it was a moment that Amraq looks back on fondly, as it led her to a genuine smile, something she didn't seem to do much.

Military robot coming to terms with burgeoning self-awareness.

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Date of Birth
Year of Birth
3042 EoD 4 Years old
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Cover image: by StaticStar1 via Midjourney


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