Molten Rivers

The Molten Rivers are a marvel of engineering and a testament to the industrial might of the Iron Domain. Born from the necessity to transport vast quantities of liquid iron and steel from the mining areas to the Iron Towers for refinement, this intricate system of artificial waterways threads its way through the domain, aglow with the fiery luminance of the molten metals it carries.   Stretching for miles, these rivers are lined with heat-resistant materials, ensuring the metals remain in a liquid state throughout their journey. Elevated bridges and walkways span across them, allowing residents and workers to safely cross without coming into close contact with the searing heat below.   While primarily a functional feature, the Molten Rivers have become a symbol of the region's technological prowess and economic strength. By night, they illuminate the landscape, casting an orange-red glow that can be seen from afar, making them a majestic sight for travelers approaching the Iron Domain. To the locals, the constant flow of molten metal is a reassuring reminder of the domain's continuous growth and prosperity. Over time, stories and legends have sprung up around these rivers, weaving them deeply into the cultural fabric of the Iron Domain.


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