Herme Urwald

The Herme Urwald is an ancient currently thought to be uninhabited jungle spanning between the Syd Mountains in the West and the Herme River to the East. Once home to thousands of inhabitants, the coming of The Wash approximately 400 years ago and its aftermath have swept the urwald of known civilzation, leaving it to the wild fauna and flora that have emerged or reemerged since. When the Wash first came, it was believed by some to the be will of the gods to cleanse the urwald of unsavory and unscrupulous attractions that had emerged. Others believed it a sign that expansion should be slowed or stopped as the Wash was a warning or punishment for having taken too much from the urwald. In truth it was more simply and shift in the world's tectonic plates that created an extremely large Tsunami that rolled in and was stopped only by the Syd Mountains.   A prosperous trade route once spanned the urwald from towns west of the Syd Mountains to east of the Herme River, facilitating trade of goods and produce. Some depots in the urwald offered safari expeditions deeper into the jungle north and south of the trade route, providing adventure to reckless youths and treasure hunting by wealthy merchants. Others offered more exotic and unscrupulous attractions, having grown out of the ability to hide among the far-flung trappings of modern civilization.   The depots prospered and grew, sacrificing jungle habitat to support agrictulture, trade, and a growing population. A traveller need not spend more than a days travel without finding at least a small place of comfort for the road weary. The urwald offered sights unseen in other areas of the world from dangerous fauna and flora to spectacularly tall trees, which only brought more visitors and opportunities for trade.
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)


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Aug 12, 2024 00:32

Just a taste of the area with a bit of history. Centuries of fear of the region from one event . One would think the fear would have faded and colonists would return within a generation or so with youth dismissing the elder's fears the more time that passes.