The Wash

The Wash was a tidal wave, perhaps tsunami, that struck the eastern coast and out across the Herme River moving westward into and covering portions of the Herme Urwald. The Wash buried multiple villages and outposts previously available to promote trade from the towns on the west side of the Syd Mountains throughout the dense jungle of the urwald, across the Herme River to the coastal cities and ports.   The wash buried coastal cities under 30 feet of water, by best reckoning, and many miles inland almost reaching the foothills of the Syd Mountains. It destroyed cities, villages, trading posts, and farms in the region deposting saltwater marine life and saltwater itself into the smaller internal lakes and rivers. The urwald became uninhabitable even after the waters receded with the mix of fresh and salt water fish in the lakes rivers, and streams of the urwald. The saltwater killing off much of the vegetation that had grown and had thrived. The soil itself having been salted and thus incapable, at least for a period of many years, of recreating and regrowing the native and in some cases unique vegetation of the urwald.   Thousands of dead bodies were distributed throughout the urwald and the wash moved through and eventually back out causing even more chaotic handling by the survivors. Survivors, those living deeper in urwald and closer to the Syd Mountains in the west, worked tirelessly to respectably clean up the urwald but there were more dead than survivors. Even as the wash slowly moved back out to the east, the surivivors could not keep up with the devastation left in its wake. And then came the Aire Alam, adding even more troubles for the survivors and effectively cleaning out the last remaining habitants in the urwald.


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