The Doyen

The Doyen are an elite group of specially trained military personnel whose ranks are filled from the general membership of the The Wolverines. Beyond the original sixteen weeks of training to join the Wolverines, a grueling 32 week training program is used to prepare these volunteers. Not all candidates succeed at achieving membership in the Doyen. The training can be undertaken anytime within the first five terms of service in the wolverines. Candidates who do not succeed at the end of the training can make a second attempt in a subsequent term that does not need to be sequential. Candidates who suffer an injury that precludes them from completing the training successfully may petition for an exemption that effectively ignores the attempt in which the injury occurred.   The Doyen receive additional military and leadership training and are often, but not exclusively, tapped to fulfill leadership roles in the Wolverines command structure. Their membership is denoted by the addition of red and gold braids to the cuffs and necks of their tunics and headgear. They are trained to carry and utilize larger and more deadly weaponry than Wolverines including seige machines and calvary mounts.   Ranks in the Doyen membership command structure are equivalent to the ranks used in the Wolverines, so while the Doyen command and receive more respect for their training and accomplishments, they still fit within the rank and command structure of the wolverines at large. Successful completion and membership in the Doyen is but one positive criteria for rank promotion and by itself does nt guarantee promootion in either enlisted or officer command structures.   The Doyen trainand prepare for special missions, but in their history have never been called upo to execute nooe such mission. Primarily in these time, the Doyen are deployed as guards of local and foreign politicians and other such dignitaries.


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