The Wolverines

The Wolverines are a millitary organization originally created to enforce the The Syd Herme Proclamation during the The Aire Alam Conflict. For over 400 years, they stand vigilant and maintain the border of the western Syd Mountains and the east side leading down into the urwald. Despite not having too repel any attempted incursions from the east, the Wolverines maintain readiness and watch with a series of towers.   All townspeople are recruited upon the attainment of 20 years of age for a training period of sixteen weeks. This training period covers weaponry, survivial, teamwork, defense, and military strategy. At the conclusion of this period, members of the student class are asked or may volunteer to serve the Wolverines in a full-time capacity. Terms of service are renewed annually and there is no minimum length of service required. Those not accepting a full-term assignment are free to reassume previous occupations, professional training, or education. Their only responsibility is to maintain familiarity with the use of weapons for self and township defense.   All graduates who enter full service terms serve that first term with the rank of private in the enlisted ranks. After completion of that first term, or any subsequent term, members are tested and/or recruited to join the officer ranks. Rejected candidates are allowed to cnotinue to serve terms of elistment and may attempt with no limit to join the officer ranks. Some who get rejected after their first term leave the woverines to pursue other occupations. Candidates to the office corp whoo have been unsuccessful after their first five terms, generally remain among the enlisted or leave the Woverines. Members do serve entire careers oof oover twenty years in both the enlisted and officer corps.


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Aug 17, 2024 04:09 by Marjorie Ariel

I think it's interesting that there is mandatory training, but not mandatory conscription. I don't think I've heard of something like that before.