The urwald canopy

An urwald canopy is created by undisturbed long-lived trees growing and rising for their leaves to find the sunlight for them to photosyntesize. It offered protection from direct sun contact for those travelling the trade route through the urwald proper, but also offered some discomfort in its hot and humid climate. The urwald canopy is home to many species fo flora and fauna not found anywhere else. These species only exist high off the ground and attempts to domesticate them by creating low limbed habitats elsewhere have all failed. Trade, capture, or sampling of any urwald canopy flora or fauna is strictly prohibited by law, but unfortguantely does not stop black markeeters. No zoo or travelling circus can truthully lay claim to offering a glimpse into Herme Urwald and its canopy.   The canopy has been artificially broken open for building trade route depots, althought the canopy is maintained and intact over the roads of the trade route itself. Other depots have attempted to maintain this canopy. Arguments between the admistrations of the various depots emerged over how to manage the canopy or not and the potential effects of the artificial breaks. People have come to study the urwald canopy becasue of its unique inhabitants with maliscious intent, to harvest what may be usable as food or or for other needs. Others have come to simply study and document the canopy, studying both artificial and natural breaks in the canopy and the effects on the localized flora and fauna.   Mind altering chemicals have been found or distilled from the canopy or its inhabitants, leading to a black market trade along the route and even secret depots. While thsi trade is consided illegal and carries stiff penalties, the practice and distribution continues thoughout and even beyond the urwald proper.


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