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Changes to the standard class

This article describes any changes to the standard class information presented in published materials, as well as any additional notes to aid players.


A cleric is a servant of the gods, or more so one god in particular. Each cleric domain has a god associated with it (see the section on Pantheon). A cleric's divine power comes from his chosen deity. There is also an option for playing a "non-denominational" cleric that combines all domains.  


Clerics have a rank within their religious organization based on their PC level. Upon choosing their domain, a cleric becomes an Initiate. From then on, reaching the required cleric level (not necessarily the total PC level, if multiclassing) will increase their rank in the organization.
Rank PC Level
Grand Master 17-20
Master 13-16
Vanguard/Seer 9-12
Acolyte 5-8
Initiate 1-4


A cleric may also gain renown with their god based on their service. Higher levels of renown may bring favors in the form of spells, bonuses, or other blessings. Daily favors typically require some sort of service or offering at a temple. It is possible for non-cleric worshipers to also gain a certain level of renown. Even non-clerics can receive a small temporary boon after giving an acceptable offering.
Renown PreReq Favor Examples
1 - Uncommon potion or level 1 spell effect one time, temp HP
5 Initiate Level 2 spell (3x), charm or gift, +5% Divine Intervention
10 Acolyte Favor 1/day (+d4 to a roll), +5% Divine Intervention
25 Vanguard Rare wand/ring, spell once per 5 days, Inspiration after offering, +5% Divine Intervention
50 Master Blessing, +5% Divine Intervention
  Note: It is possible to increase in rank without earning renown with a deity. But don't you think someone would notice...?


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