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Changes to the standard class

This article describes any changes to the standard class information presented in published materials, as well as any additional notes to aid players.


Druids are cursed. According to history , druids were cursed by the god of nature for attempting an evil ritual. The curse resembles a form of lycanthropy (although it is not contagious) and also manifests in a monstrous appearance. Most druids are shunned in society unless they have been able to hide their true nature.

Druid Circle of the Cursed

(Taken from Farie Fire, Circle of Rue)
Not all druids are at one with nature: some of them are subserviant to it, sworn, unwillingly to a life of atonement in its name. The Circle of the Cursed is a place for druids who have done wrong by the primal beasts of the Wilds, and now endure a curse for as long as the beasts deem necessary. Though these druids are plagued by painful transformations, the curse also empowers their magic and forges a strong connection to the mighty primal beasts.
Druids of the Circle of the Cursed may be remorseful for their crimes, resentful of their curse, or feel something else entirely—they may seek to rid themselves of the curse, or devote themselves completely to the will of the primal beasts.
Circle of the Cursed Features

Druid Level Feature
2nd Dispossession, Grotesque Nature
6th Morphing Limbs
10th Blood Curse
14th Assimilation



At 2nd level, you have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell when you take damage.

Grotesque Nature

At 2nd level when you use Wild Shape or cast a 1st level or higher spell, you may allow your curse to manifest as a horrid mutation, such as an eruption of quills, blisters of reptilian scales, or limbs as twisted as tree roots. Your body is accustomed to these changes and you take no ill effects from them. Each creature within 5 feet that can see you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you for 1 minute on a failed save. The creature repeats this saving throw at the end of their turn. You must complete a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.

Morphing Limbs

Starting at 6th level, you can warp your body as an action. You undergo a change to partially shapeshift without expending a use of Wild Shape. You gain some of the traits of a beast, gaining one of the following movement changes until your next short rest:

Stag Legs. Your movement increases by 15 feet.

Spider Hands. You gain a climb speed of 20 feet. If you already have a climb speed, increase it by 10 feet.

Badger Claws. You gain a burrow speed of 5 feet. If you already have a burrow speed, increase it by 10 feet.

Fins. You gain a swim speed of 30 feet. If you already have a swim speed, increase it by 15 feet.

At 8th level you also gain the option:
Vulture Wings. You gain a fly speed of 20 feet. If you already have a fly speed, increase it by 20 feet.

Blood Curse

At 10th level, you become immune to any condition that can be cured by remove curse. Additionally when a creature within 30 feet of you hits you with an attack you can cast bestow curse on the attacker as a reaction. You must complete a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.


When you reach 14th level, the curse of the primal beast links their mind to yours. While concentrating on a spell you can cast a second concentration spell of 5th or lower that shares concentration with the first.
The first time you do so, you suffer no adverse effect. If you use this feature again before you finish a long rest, the beast's mind begins to conflict with your own and you take 2d12 psychic damage for each level of the new spell. Each time you use this feature again before finishing a long rest, the psychic damage per spell level increases by 1d12. This damage ignores resistance and immunity.
You cannot have more than two ongoing concentration spells cast in this way. These two spells durationsthem early does not end both.


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