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Legends of the Dragonguard


The motivation behind building Legends of the Dragonguard

I want to build an exciting world which indulges my passion for Dragons and solar/steam punk styles.

After finishing Dragons: The Nine Realms show, it seemed to me that the HTTYD franchise is kind of over with now, and that made me sad.
The "Pilot / Intro" scene came to me after I finished the show, went to bed, and was trying to sleep. (03/24/2024)


Digital Asset Manager - Inspirations
Digital Asset Manager - References
DeviantArt Inspiration Collection
Pinterest Inspiration Board

Media Inspirations:
  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • Avatar: The Last Air Bender
  • The Legend of Korra
  • The Dragon Prince: Mystery of Aaravos
  • Arcane
  • The Last Kingdom
  • Mortal Engines
  • Damsel
  • 1917

  • Gaming Inspirations:
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • Enderal (Overhaul mod)
  • The Elder Scrolls Online
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Odyssey
  • Mirage
  • Archeage
  • School of Dragons
  • Day of Dragons
  • Subnautica
  • Subnautica: Below Zero
  • Was also inspired by real life events.

    The goal of the project

    This was just some random fun thing I decided to do one day, but I want to create an enticing world similar to HTTYD but made more for adults and not necessarily "family friendly".

    Legends of the Dragonguard's Unique Selling point

    Low- to mid-tech Solarpunk setting with dragons in the mix. Some bad actors have finally stepped into the light, and the time spent training to keep up the projection of strength by the Dragonguard Alliance has now finally shown to be beneficial instead of wasteful.



    Low- to mid-tech Solarpunk and some Steampunk technological advances, similar what they have in The Legend of Korra and Arcane shows. There are no plans for magic to exist currently.

  • Epic Fantasy
  • Dark Fantasy
  • Dragon Fantasy
  • Steampunk
  • Solarpunk (Low- to mid-tech)
  • Reader Experience

    The world of Azlov feels exciting and dangerous, with beautiful landscapes and locations, scary monsters, but also stunning, and friend shaped creatures too. Almost feels like a magical fantasy world, but somehow doesn't have "magic".

    Reader Tone

    The world has a somewhat middle tone, with neither an overwhelmingly bleak nor excessively cheerful tone. Though generally agreeable, there are occasions when darker tones surface. Living in this world can be quite enjoyable, but terrible things still occur.

    Recurring Themes

  • Vexx seems to be one step ahead and somehow isn't taken out despite constantly showing himself; always at a distance and out of reach. He knows when to pick his battles.
  • Some things seem fine on the surface, but are corrupt underneath.
  • Some things may seem scary / shrouded in darkness, but turn out to actually be fine.
  • Character Agency

    Any individual can't really do much on their own, but in a team, they can work together to overcome great obsticals. However, some individuals have managed to work themselves in a position, either by corruption or fear, where they alone can drastically change the world, as long as their subordinates do as they're told.


    Wealth Distribution: Vexx is a wealthy individual with substantial financial resources at his disposal. He leverages his wealth to spread corruption and influence across the world. In instances where his monetary power is ineffective, he resorts to instilling fear in order to maintain control.

    Race Relations: While humans can coexist reasonably well with wildlife, including dragons, this is not always the case. As intelligent beings, some dragons recognize the risks of interacting with human society. Certain groups of dragons may react with aggression or attempt to flee when humans approach, while some dragon packs or clans prohibit their kind from integrating into human society.

    Technology Influences: Low- to mid-tech solarpunk; advancing technology in harmony with the environment. The new era has arrived, bringing rapid technological and scientific advancements.

    Religous Influence: Even though the majority of people do not adhere to any particular religious beliefs, there exist a small number of groups that exhibit extreme behaviors, resembling that of cults.


  • Vailstrym (Azier's dragon) almost dies in a fight in the beginning.
  • Vexx is actively trying to take over Rayhaven to get rid of the Dragonguard's best training grounds.
  • A cultist group that believes dragons should not haven been assimilated into human society, is unearthed by the Dragonguard.
  • An insurrection happens in the city where the Dragonguard Aliance headquarters is located. They have to keep a watchful eye to ensure the people do not disturbe their operations.
  • Ancient Dragonkin, thought to be long extinct, have recently been discovered to still exist. Despite most of them not posing a threat, there is one named Wyrm of Chaos that is proving to be a cause for concern.
  • Death of loved ones, both human and dragonkin.

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