Pilot / Intro Prose in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

Summer Camp (prep) event is going on right now!

Pilot / Intro

Content Warning:
Violence Gore Drug / Alcohol Use Animal Abuse Self-harm Profanity
As seen in


  • Establishing shot; flying through the sky above Rayhaven; Azier (Trainer) comes into frame with Ivis (Trainee) shortly afterwards
  • Azier tells Ivis what to do, Ivis is dismissive and insults dragon intelligence
  • Azier says they are very intelligent, and that the dragon picked up what he said
  • Thornfire (Trainee's Dragon) gives an irritated scowl
  • Azier does slowly does a barrel roll above Ivis as she says to hold on, the dragon has a look in his eye
  • Thornfire pulls some extreme aerobatic maneuvers to shake up Ivis
  • Upon landing Thornfire stops hard, which sends Ivis flying off
  • Ivis berates Thornfire
  • As they're yelling at each other, Azier hears a commotion off in the distance, as she looks up, she sees Vexx (Villain) attacking the outskirts edge of Rayhaven
  • Everyone stops and looks, Vailstrym and Azier jump into action before Ivis could move
  • Short battle plays out and Vailstrym gets injured, forcing her to land
  • After landing, Azier runs over to find Vailstrym has a hollow dragon quill sticking out the side
  • Azier comforts Vailstrym lying on the ground with labored breathing and bleeding
  • Vexx sees this and realizes he did more than he intended. He was not planning on killing a dragon that day. The attack was just supposed to be a distraction, this was a bit much. He knows this pissed them off more than he was planning on.
  • Vexx backs out and leaves before they could retaliate
  • Ivis gets help from others to try and save Vailstrym (In the end she is saved)


    As Azier and Ivis fly through the skies of Rayhaven with a beautiful sunset behind them, Azier yells out; "You need to blah blah something training".   "Yeah I get it, how hard can flying one of these dumb reptiles be?" responded Ivis.   "Hey, dragons are very smart animals, they're not dumb! Look at him, he definitely understood that." Shouted Azier as Ivis looked down to see his dragon's head tilted, looking at him with an irritated scowl. "And they can pull off some amazing aerobatic maneuvers, it can actually be pretty difficult to stay on."   "Yeah sure whatever." Scoffed Ivis. Azier moved in closer.   "Don't be so mean to them, they can understand you fairly well." Azier said. As Vailstrym slowly barrel rolled over Ivis, Azier said, "And you might want to hold on, I see he's got that look in his eye."   Thornfire gave a smirk as Ivis leaned forward a bit. Then all of a sudden, Thornfire rolled quickly to the right and dove straight down for a bit before pulling a left corkscrew maneuver. Ivis screamed the whole time as Thornfire performed extreme aerobatic maneuvers. As they came in for a landing, Thornfire stopped hard, sending Ivis flying over his head and hitting the ground. Azier and Vailstrym let out a chuckle.   "Did you just see him?! Look at him! He's just as rude as I was!" Yelled Ivis. "Oh I've got a word with you reptile!" Ivis runs over to berate Thornfire, who had a dismissive look on his face.   As the two were yelling at each other, Azier heard screaming in the distance. When she looked up, she saw Vexx attacking the outskirts edge of Rayhaven. After a few seconds, Ivis and Thornfire stop arguing and notice the commotion too. They all saw smoke in the distance and Vexx on his wyvern, Ignistra.   Before Ivis could move, Azier was already on her dragon taking off, heading straight for Vexx. Ivis called out to her to wait as he got onto Thornfire.   Vailstrym and Azier tried to fly as fast as she could to get to Vexx, and when they were close enough, Vailstrym shot a plasma blast at the wyvern. Ignistra saw this at the last moment and was able to dodge the shot. Vexx turned to see the dragonknight flying at him at full speed, with another one trailing behind. As Vailstrym and Azier flew head on at them to try and knock them out of the sky, Ignistra was able to move out of the way. As Vailstrym rolled to the right, Ignistra sent a small volley of sharp hollow dragon quills. One of the quills embedded into Vailstrym's side.   Vailstrym let out a cry, and Azier looked down to see the quill sticking out. Thornfire and Ivis stopped dead in their tracks in the air after seeing what just happened. Vailstrym couldn't continue flying, as the hollow quill was letting too much blood out.   "Hey girl, fly sideways a bit so there isn't as much blood coming out, I'll reposition." Azier said. Vailstrym listed to the right a bit as Azier adjusted her position to keep her balance.   As they came for a landing, Azier jumped off just before Vailstrym landed hard on her side. Azier then ran over to asses the injury. There was nothing she could do, not while out in a field without the medical equipment in Rayhaven. She kneeled down by Vailstrym lying on the ground with labored breathing. Azier wasn't sure if her dragon was going to make it.   Ivis and Thornfire flew above Vailstrym and was about to land, but they saw the quill in Vailstrym's side and immediately knew Vailstrym needed help. So they kept flying and went into Rayhaven to rally some people for help.   As Vexx saw Vailstrym crash to the ground, he knew he just pissed off the Dragonguard more than he really wanted to. Vexx did not intend to take out a dragon that day, but despite it's risk, he still counted as a positive outcome. He was not expecting anyone from the Dragonguard to be there so quickly. But now with angering the Rayhaven Dragonguard even more, he decided to call off the distracting attack before they could retaliate. He and the small attacking group retreated back into the dense Forgotten Forest.

    Author Notes

    This is what started it all. This whole little intro / trailer idea came to me while I was trying to sleep one night. Just before going to bed I finished the last episode of Dreamwork's Dragons: The Nine Realms, and was a bit sad that it was over. While watching it, I realized this wasn't just the ending of the season, it seemed to be the ending the story. I wanted more of it, and so while trying to sleep I guess I created my own thing here. I was also playing a lot of Day of Dragons game recently at that time too, so the setting was inspired by the area I like to be at the most, the Grand Falls near the World Tree. However, instead of the Grand Falls, there is the bay area with a settlement between two large cliffs, with the "World Tree" on the same level and not up on a rock cliff like it is in the game. I think this settlement area was inspired from a place called Lux Aurea in The Dragon Prince: Mystery of Aaravos show on Netflix.   In the end, Vailstrym is saved, but just barely, and takes a while to recover. Just haven't gotten to that point yet.
    — 03/24/2024


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