Basic Information
Able to manifest their dragon traits at will, they can either blend into human society or become part of the dragon world. However, they aren't as powerful as full dragons, and so have a hard time competing. Their dragon form and human form reflect their parents. Often, both forms will have some aspects of the other (human form having startling blue eyes, or dragon form having an unusual appetite for bread or unusually human expressions). As such, they have a great amount of magic for a human, even if it is sub-par for a dragon.
Genetics and Reproduction
They can mate with either species in the respective form, but are generally rejected from both species if their true nature is known.
Growth Rate & Stages
They grow the same rate as a human, but the catch is that their dragon phase matures through the same stages at the same rate. So instead of taking 750 years to mature, a half-dragon's dragon form would take about 20. However, once they hit this point, the human form hardly ages, and they seem to stay forever in their prime. The dragon form grows a bit more, and then slows to normal growth.
Additional Information
Average Intelligence
As they live longer, they have more of a wealth of experience to draw on. But other than that, they are about the same as humans.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
They have heightened senses: hearing, smell, and sight.
Civilization and Culture
Not able to be created sexually. The only known method of creating them is through the dragon parent having enough knowledge to combine their magic and the parent's to create new life. Sometimes the human can be the one to combine their magic and the parent's, if they are a draglin queen. The soul seems to follow after. Fharu is particularly infamous for creating them, the more notable example being Uan Quinn himself.
Interspecies Relations and Assumptions
They tend to be ostracized by both humans and dragons. Some choose to make up for it by hating both, others keep their true nature hidden, others hide away, others choose to become lords.
As long as a dragon; which is to say, immortal until killed, as far as is known.
Average Physique
Because of their magic, their human forms have to be fit, and so they generally are.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Relative to their dragon and human parent.
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