Amdis Kinspring Character in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Amdis Kinspring

The new mayor of Kalaman, elected shortly after the murder of the old mayor by Lord Soth, Amdis Kinspring is more than the mild-mannered guildmaster he appears to be. Amdis is, in truth, a vampire over 300 years of age. The founder of Kalaman and her first mayor shortly after the Cataclysm, Amdis was trapped for most of the last 300 years in Kalaman's sewers until unwittingly released by the Heroes of Kalaman. Since his release, he's been busy dominating and overpowering wills lesser than his in a bid to reobtain his former status as Kalaman's ruler.   The Heroes of Kalaman know his true identity, of course, however, they are powerless to unseat him as it is unclear how deep his domination of Kalaman's leadership goes. They are unsure of how much damage they would cause by confronting him. For now, however, Amdis appears content to rule Kalaman peacefully. Still, our heroes are watching him closely.
Status: Active
Disposition: Cautious
Species: Vampire (Undead)


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