Lord Soth Character in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Lord Soth

As the Dragon Queen turns her ambitions toward Solamnia, she summons forth one of its foulest villains: the infamous death knight Lord Soth. This villain has allied himself with the Dragon Queen to retake his ancestral land of Nightlund and take vengeance against the hated Knights of Solamnia. However, he isn’t a member of the Dragon Army or a commander of its troops. Soth and his Undead knights keep their own council and have their own agendas.  

Lord Soth’s Legend

In the years before the Cataclysm, Loren Soth was a Solamnic Knight of the Order of the Rose. He ruled the province of Knightlund from Dargaard Keep. However, his fall from grace began when he rescued a company of Silvanesti elves from raiders, including the priest Isolde and her attendants. Though Lord Soth was married, he fell in love with Isolde—and shortly after, Soth’s wife died. He and Isolde married days later. For disrespecting his dead wife’s memory, the Knights of Solamnia cast Soth from their orders.   Soon after, the gods called Soth to redeem himself by preventing the Cataclysm, but Soth failed in his quest, and the gods rained destruction on the world. The Knights of Solamnia fell into disgrace in the aftermath of the Cataclysm, and Dargaard Keep became a cursed, haunted ruin.  

The Rest of the Story

When Lord Soth began his gods-given quest to avert the Cataclysm, he encountered Isolde’s attendants, who blamed him for leading Isolde from her holy path. The attendants played on his jealousy, falsely accusing Isolde of being unfaithful. Enraged, Soth ignored the gods’ direction and returned to Dargaard Keep to murder her. As he did, the gods unleashed the Cataclysm on the world. With Isolde’s dying breath, she cursed Soth to suffer one lifetime for every life lost in the Cataclysm.   For his defiance of the gods, Soth became a death knight, while his followers were similarly reanimated as other Undead. Meanwhile, several of Isolde’s attendants became spirits devoted to ensuring Soth never finds peace.  

Siege of Kalaman

Lord Soth allied with the Red Dragon Army to conquer Kalaman in the Hinterlunds; however the Heroes of Kalaman thwarted him, destroying the flying citadel Soth used to threaten the city. Soth powered the floating citadel with the cataclysmic fire he stole from the catacombs beneath Kalaman, and when he was defeated the cataclysmic fire was extinguished, bringing the citadel crashing down upon the Dragon Army. Lord Soth was swallowed whole by the crumbling citadel. His current status is unknown.
Status: Unknown (presumed active)
Disposition: Hostile
Species: Undead

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