Jeyev Veldrews in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Jeyev Veldrews

A former Ironclad Regiment member, Jeyev Veldrews is a freelance assassin, available to the highest bidder. Responsible for the murder of Solamnic Knight Becklin Uth Viharin as contracted by agents of the Red Dragon Army, Jeyev hid his true intentions from everyone until he reached Kalaman after the invasion of Vogler. Shortly after arriving in Kalman, Jeyev kidnapped Darrett and used him as bait to lure the Heroes of the Kalaman into a trap where he was almost successful in assassinating Harrod Hamstrom. Unfortunately for Jeyev, the assassin underestimated the Heroes' abilities and was forced to flee.   Jeyev's whereabouts are currently unknown.
Status: Active
Disposition: Hostile
Species: Ergothian Human

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