Kansaldi Fire-Eyes Character in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Kansaldi Fire-Eyes

High Master Kansaldi Fire-Eyes led the Red Dragon Army’s offensive in Solamnia. A fanatical adherent of the Dragon Queen, Kansaldi was indoctrinated into the god’s worship by Dragon High Lord Verminaard. During a test of faith from her mentor, Kansaldi replaced her left eye with a gem of seeing. This gem smolders and glows red whenever Kansaldi uses her magic, and her followers claim it allows her to see through any lie.   Highlord Verminaard follows visions from the Dragon Queen on a campaign south. In his absence, he left a powerful contingent of the Red Dragon Army under Kansaldi’s command and ordered her to claim the Kalaman region in the Dragon Queen’s name. Kansaldi pursued these orders with a fanatic’s zeal.   Kansaldi was defeated and killed by the Heroes of Kalaman at the end of the Siege of Kalaman.
Status: Deceased
Disposition: Hostile
Species: Human

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