Raven Uth Vogler Character in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Raven Uth Vogler

Raven Uth Vogler is the mayor of Vogler and a descendant of the village's founder. A humble woman, Raven is confident in her ability to lead her people. For a short time, after the destruction of Vogler at the hands of the Red Dragon Army, she gave up the title of "mayor" but has since agreed to take up the mantle again as she is heading up the effort to rebuild the village after the successful defense of Kalaman against the Red Dragon Army.   During the siege of Kalaman, Raven distinguished herself as a military leader, often relied upon to lead scouting parties into the countryside around Kalaman, the city's eyes and ears in the field.
Status: Active
Disposition: Ally
Species: Solamnic Human

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