Elyadan Takmarin

Elyadan is pretty much a model Silvanesti. Born Alaion Takmarin in the year of 3223 he was raised by a loving father and mother and was taught the virtues elvendom and duties expected of a Silvanesti - lessons that the young elf took to heart. Inhering the boldness of his father - a warrior previously from House Protector - and the mystic inclination of his mother, Elyadan has grown amidst great expectations of House Mystic. The older of two brothers, Elyadan was always the dutiful son, fulfilling their parents wishes while following the directions of House Mystic elders. He was always over prepared for Silvanesti cerimonies and has never regretted that. When his mother arranged for his wedding with Losseneth Oakleaf of House Royal, Elyadan was nothing if friendly and courteous - even if hers wasn't the face he saw during his Cerimony of Starlight. Soon after they were both eighty, Elyadan and Losse married in a beautiful ceremony under the stars. And although they might have started as a loveless affair, it was at least in great part due to Elyadan's big heart that they have grown to be true friends.
As a member of House Mystic, it was expected for many years that Elyadan was going to follow the steps of his mother and become a sorcerer-researcher and participate on the mysterious projects House Mystic concocts at the behest of the Sinthal-Elish. And that would have been the case, if around twenty years ago, House Mystic hadn't noticed several signs that led them to conclude that the High Sorcery - a more refined form of sorcery that became dormant during The Silence - was awakening. House Mystic then scoured their ranks in search of high caste members that displayed any talent in those arts, and found that Elyadan had great potential, effectively ending his bright future as sorcerer and leaving him delving in the murky waters that is now the High Sorcery. Notwithstanding, Elyadan has took upon this new challenge with the same drive and dedication he displays in all aspects of his life.
About eight years ago, Elyadan's father was preparing to go on a mission with his old companions of House Protector - against the wishes of the Head of House Mystic, Revion Eitherdir. It sparked a serious fight between Arsironn and Elyadan: the younger elf reminding the older of his duties were with Kiranost, House Mystic and his mother, and most certainly not in openly defying the head of their house and Arsironn trying to instill in Elyadan the notion that one shouldn't always do what's expected of oneself, but should do what's true to his heart. Elyadan couldn't accept that and told his father that he was bringing great shame to the family, and left Arsironn to his devices. With that, Elyadan's father left into a deep scouting mission, well outside the protected area of Great Kiranost. They were assaulted by demons. Arsironn never came home.
Arthel, Elyadan's mother, changed a lot after the passing of her husband. Once full of life and mirth, the sorceress threw herself at her work, isolating herself from her family more and more. Right before the end, she barely saw her sons or her daughters-in-law. Not long after Arsironn's death, on an accident during a sorcery experiment where she reportedly lost control of her emotions, and then her magic, Arthel passed away, leaving the brothers Elyadan and Nauthon orphans.
Ever since, Elyadan has felt the urge to lose himself in his work - and perhaps he would have, if not by the intimate friendship he shares with Losse and the magic bond he shares with Calben - an enhanced familiar spirit, conjured by Elyadan in the successful demonstration of his arcane thesis on familiar summoning. While Losse is Elyadan's confidant, Calben is a grounding influence. While Losse facilitates Elyadan to dream, Calben helps Elyadan to transform those dreams into plans. They both have supported and got Elyadan through difficult moments of uncertainty where despair threatened to overwhelm him.
Today, Elyadan is an accomplished Student of High Sorcery, and a father of a newborn boy called Arthanar. He works diligently alongside his brothers in House Mystic to help stablize High Sorcery and help Kiranost to survive in the middle of the chaos that is now the Silvanesti forest. He is haunted by the spirit of his father that denounces Elyadan's inflexible dedication to the Silvanesti traditions. Elyadan, however, is surrounded by the love of his family, and that gives him the hope he needs to move forward.

A new practitioner of an ancient art

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Date of Birth
20th of October
Year of Birth
3223 AC 103 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
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