House Mystic

In the earliest days under Silvanos' reign, the elves had little understanding of the force called "magic". With the help of the metallic dragons, though, three elves tapped the arcane powers - with catastrophic results. Without the control that the gods of magic later gave them, the wild magic this trio of elves unleashed caused all kinds of random, devastating effects. Although they accomplished their goal of defeating the chromatic dragons, the elf trio left Silvanos' side when they realized that many elves wished them dead. When they came back later with a more controlled form of magic called High Sorcery, these three elves formed the kernel of House Mystic.
As they gained students, their House grew in power. Several decades after their return, the head of House Mystic gained a seat on the The Sinthal-Elish and became part of the Silvanesti caste system.
Elves in House Mystic possess and regulate magical abilities. Before, during and after the Silence, this House trained elves with tendencies toward magic. Because members were willing to do this for other Houses, they could also regulate and limit what types of magic were available to non-Mystic mages.
Within House Mystic, high caste elves train and oversee magically gifted high caste elves of other Houses. The head of the House and several member of his or her family are also responsible for determining whether an elf mage accused of using magic for nefarious purposes has done so. If this is the case, that mage is exiled. Lower caste elves of this House oversee the training of lower caste elves of other houses whose gift for magic has evidenced itself.
Once the gods of magic joined in the Silence and High Sorcery waned from Silvanesti, House Mystic looked back on history and realized that there must be another form of magic that could be harnessed. Following the example and texts of the three elves who used wild magic, they developed theories and over the course of decades trained themselves in the use of sorcery. Now they teach others the ancient ways of magic, watching closely to guard against anyone that uses these gifts with ill intent.
Per tradition, only those of Houses Mystic or Royal can marry a member of this House. Since House Mystic often interacts with those of other Houses, several unsuitable romantic arrangements have caused problems with arranged marriages in the past. As a result, House Mystic emphasizes dispassionate distance between instructors and those they teach. This characteristic makes members of House Mystic seem even more cold and unapproachable than other Silvanesti elves.
Those of House Mystic care little about who ultimately controls the government. As long as they can pursue their goals and maintain their status within Silvanesti society, they remain content. Because this attitude frees them of political concerns, they have been able to objectively assist the City of Hope survive at the best of their abilities, for the good fortune of its inhabitants.
Guild, Mages
Parent Organization
Notable Members
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