Hasturiel Tylocostathan

Descending from one of the Generals that freed the enchanted forest of Silvanesti from the grip of chromatic dragons during the First Dragon War and a long-lived and low-caste line of House Metalline, Hasturiel was always an elf divided.
From very early on, Hasturiel spent a lot of time under the ground, learning the family craft of looking for danger in caves and mine shafts, accompanying prospectors and miners to make sure they're safe on their jobs. It wasn't glamorous, but it was a noble calling that young Hasturiel could appreciate: putting his life on the line to protect others'. And yet, his passions laid elsewhere: to learn more about his people, and his beloved forest.
His grandfather, Ragathiel, was born on House Protector. When he married Carellia of House Metalline, he made the change into his wife's house - and more than one elf has said that he did it out of cowardice, removing the Tylocostathan family from House Protector to avoid the dangers of the forest. Although Ragathiel dedication to his new family was absolute, he still made a point to keep the memories of his previous family the Tylocostathan - alive, and instilled the love of history in his grandchildren: Felixia, Hasturiel, Selestie and Thassil. That love grew within young Hasturiel s much that even when he took the apprenticeship of mine scouting, he couldn't help but wonder how it would be to live among the stories and records of Silvanesti. When he was around sixty he revealed his feelings, and requested to be considered for House Cleric. After many years of bureaucracy, he was finally released from service on House Metalline and was accepted into House Cleric.
As a low-caste member of house Cleric, Hasturiel has been tasked to perform many menial jobs, but he never minded - he even volunteered for it, such as going to the forest to fetch herbs for the healers, or any other resources House Cleric may need - be day or night. In his mind, it's worth the privilege from being surrounded by the history of the mighty people of Silvanesti. His superiors in the house would be delighted if Hasturiel could demonstrate the same love for religion and social skills though.
Hasturiel once took part in a scouting party towards Balinost. The party had a few close calls with packs of beasts and some fiends, but Hasturiel managed to stabilise and treat the wounded. He also was instrumental in finding good water and food in the forest. While they didn't manage to get into the city, his work as a medic, forager and sentry kept the Wildrunners in one piece. His quick thinking and resourcefulness earned him several accolades, some new friends and the reputation of being dependable.
At a hundred-and-sixty years, Hasturiel still worked for House Cleric keeping records, the Wildrunners using his scouting skills earned in House Metalline, and honored his heritage in House Protector by practicing the deadly arts of elven hand-to-hand combat. And yet, he feared it would not be enough when the time came to protect Siilvanesti if things got worse.
Hasturiel perished while fighting a demon servant of Zura, inside a Nightmare Zone. His body was delivered home by Elyadan Takmarin and his party. He will be profoundly missed.

Monk of House Cleric

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
12th of Winter Come (Dec)
Date of Death
15th of Summer Home (Jul)
3162 AC 3326 AC 164 years old
light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

The tribulations of Carol of Jakarta

  • Carol foi atacado por elfos aquaticos em Anir's End. Agentes da Crushing wave vieram a Anir's End descobrir porque foi a cidade foi atacada. Descobriram sobre Carol e ficaram interessados no porque do capitão ser o alvo.
  • Nesse meio tempo, os mercenários hobgoblins da Grisly Knives vieram de Sanction até Flashfire em longships, que eles carregaram a pé até Anir's end, onde eles ficaram por 30 dias.
  • Na ultima semana dessa estadia, a cidade foi visitada por 5 Ogres (2 azuis, 1 magi, 2 cloud giant), que ficaram do lado de fora da cidade por 5 dias.
  • Em uma conversa com Lord Razor Windam, Os ogros se identificaram como membros do Behemoth Council (aparentemente de Blöde).
  • Houve um encontro entre os hobgoblins, os Ogres, e 2 figuras encapusadas e com mascaras, identificadas como Mauzun e Roethe. Mauzun foi identificado como um Wizard, Roethe parece ser uma mulher.
  • Eles contrataram Carol para ir até a ilha blackloot, que parece ser a chave do "caminho" conhecido por Carol.
  • Carol possui a habilidade de abrir um tunel nas águas, que o leva até blackloot. De lá, ele pode abrir um outro tunel para qualquer lugar costeiro.
  • Blackloot tem criaturas e perigos. E é usada por Carol para guardar espolios.
  • Os longships foram equipados com "reboques magicos" que permitiu os longships irem junto com o Cutlass para blackloot.
  • En route to blackloot, os contratantes revelaram o plano de atacar Silvanesti, e Carol teve a tripulação ameaçada.
  • No retorno do ataque, um dos ogros (teoricamente um dos Ogre titans) ficou em Blackloot com um destacamento de hobgoblins.
  • Os 3 elfos salvos foram movidos para o Cutlass, e ao chegarem da ilha na costa de Anir's End, Mauzun se teleportou do Cutlass levando os 3 libertados.
  • Os 4 Ogros deixaram a cidade.
  • A mulher Roethe não tem paradeiro certo.
  • Os sobreviventes do Grisly Knives venderam os longships (sem os reboques) e deixaram a cidade.
  • O pagamento recebido por Carol foi usado para saldar dividas com Lord Razor Windam, mas aparentemente não saldou toda a divida.
  • Na noite seguinte ao ataque, o capitão foi contactado pela Crushing Wave, que o convenceu a sair da cidade para uma "conversa". O Capitão não voltou.
  • Isso foi na noite anterior ao impouding do Cutlass e a prisão do primeiro imediato, Stonebridge, que foi interrogado pelo grupo.
  • Entre a prisão e a nossa chegada, se passou "um pouco mais de uma semana".
  • A crushing wave tem um oasis perto de Anir's end (5-6 milhas).