Loriel Silverspring

Loriel Silverspring was reinvented many times.
The first reinvention came when she was found by Liriel Mistbowl and Illian Silverlight at their door. Both Silvanesti of House Mason in good standing with the people of Arbonel and, unfortunately, without a much wanted child. The couple managed to get pregnant a few times, but in each of those times they had to face a miscarriage. After the third time, they were all but ready to give up. That was when returning home in the evening they found a bundle of clothes resting against their door and, inside, a newlyborn baby elf with beautiful heterochromatic eyes. They took her in and decided to keep her, transforming her from am abandoned child that incensed Arbonel with rumors and superstition into Loriel Mistbowl, beloved daughter of Arbonel.
Loriel grew and became an specially outspoken and resourceful young elf. She sparred with young scouts, acted out the plays brought from Kiranost and studied with the best prospectors. That, and she dreamed. Like no other elf in all of Arbonel.
Her dreams were vivid; always intense, often terrifying. When they started, Liriel and Illian thought them to be a phase, something that young Loriel would soon overcome on her own. After a few months, however, the couple was no longer as certain. They asked for help of Glavror - Arbonel's elder and cousin of Head of House Metalline - and he took upon himself to travel with the girl to seek the wisdom of House Cleric. Glavror and Loriel left the relative safety of Arbonel and, for a fortnight, her fate was unknown to her parents - until she returned to Ardonel, accompanied by Braspen Goldenvoice of House Cleric and a priest of Astrain. He said that Loriel was experiencing what the elders of Kiranost called the Quieting, which usually led to Mystiscism. Even with the origins of those powers being questioned and attributed to dark pacts with even darker creatures, those news transformed her from a beloved daughter of Arbonel into its most reluctant prodigy, trying to wear shoes that seemed to big to fit her.
At her sixtieth birthday, Loriel was already an apprentice to Braspen - the promise of mystic powers being enough to warrant a formal change of fealty from House Mason to Cleric and the evoke pride of her parents. The girl, however, grew more and more unsure of herself each day, as if living a life she was not supposed to live. She was prone to longs bout of introspectiveness, and dark thoughts led Loriel to doubt her place among the Silvanesti. Her self-deoubt prevented her from seeking help or companionship, and that loneliness turned to scorn. One night, she was so cruel to a boy that sought her affections that he killed himself, hanging from a tree. That drove Loriel even further into isolation, and turned all of her thoughts to the two talents she seemed to have: working wood, and mysticism. She remained isolated as such, until came the night of the her Cerimony of Starlight.
Expectations were high, as they usually are for such a night. Braspen laid the white linen sheet between the oak trees in Arbonel's communal garden. As she laid down, a few of her neighbors and even fewer friends chanted to each of the gods, asking for her to see the starjewel that would bind her life to another, and for Loriel to see the face of her future partner.
When their chants became gentle, Loriel stretched out and stared at the stars. She could see the moon at her fullest, draping the night in a warm red glow, and the stars seemed unusually bright. At first, she did not realize she was sleeping, but then the stars in the sky started pulsing - all of them, except for one. The young elf was drawn toward that black spot in the sky, and soon Loriel it was not a spot but a lightless pit drawing her in. She climbed down that pit and even without light saw her reflection upon those smooth and darkened walls - a broken visage, sadness on one side and mockery of everything she ever knew on the other. Above her the moon and the stars were no longer visibile, erased by a billowing and impenetrable darkness that threatened her like the stormiest of clouds. Looking down again, towards the bottom of the pit, she saw a mirror of dead light waiting for her, yearning to devour her, drawing her ever closer. She did not want to go. Loriel was afraid. And then the darkness above her was torn open. The sky now was the black velvet of the night and on it burned a single star - its golden glow threatening to eclipse the very sun. She heard a voice unlike any other that told her in no uncertain terms that she did not have to go. That she was free to climb out of the dark and into the light. Loriel never looked back. And then she woke up. That dream transformed her from a reluctant prodigy into someone that believed into the brightest of futures for herself and all of Kiranost.
Decades have passed, and since then Loriel - now Silverspring and of House Cleric - has done nothing but dedicate herself to become the very best version of herself - for her sake and the sake of Kiranost. Her starjewel is a dark stone with a single spec of gold at the top. She still has that dream every once in a while, and she is afraid to descend that pit. But she knows for sure that she has a choice. And for her, that is enough.
one blue, one rainy gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
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