House Cleric

Once the second most powerful Silvanesti guild, House Cleric has now fallen into a position below House Protector. Those of high rank within this House serve the various deities traditionally observed by the Silvanesti elves and oversee the lorekeepers for each temple. Elves of lower rank tend to become scribes for higher-ranking elves, record keepers for merchants, or even lore keepers and librarians for the temples and House libraries.
In its earliest days, House Cleric comprised only of the priests of various clans. However, time and circumstances (mainly the absence of the gods) have caused it to focus on record keeping and temple administration. Some members in the lower ranks question this shift in focus, but new tradition binds them into their current role.
Since many positions of power exist within this House, substructure helps define each elf's place. Not only does a traditional House head (normally of the faith of Astarin, the most significant elven god) help guide policy and prevent dissension between members, but most head priests and priestesses of the various gods' temples hold power within the House. These elves report to the House lead and are theoretically equal in position. Their duties include running the main temple of their chosen deity (which usually were in Silvanosti in the past, but now are within the Tower of E'li) and reporting to the Sinthal-Elish when called.
As with most Houses, marriage with House Cleric (even in case of worship of different deities) and to a member of House Royal is possible.
When the Silence befell upon Ansalon, House Cleric responded the same way it did after the Cataclysm: members emphasized their lorekeeping abilities and continued their worship, even when they discovered that the magic granted to them by the gods no longer worked. During the height of the plague, stories of mystics combating the disease with magical powers arrived at Silvanesti. The elves of this House sent emissaries to look into the matter themselves. By the time the Black Wind had risen within the forest, House Cleric had ordered itself once more. Although members continue to worship their chosen deities, they now use the powers of the Dream to help them in their path.
Recently, the High Priests of Quenesti'pah and of Kiri-Jolith have fallen to an ogre attack into the heart of Kiranost led by the Behemoth Council, as well as the wife of the currrent High Priest of Astarin Glauron Malfinnor.
Religious, Other
Parent Organization