Phaendar Zylsatra

He was born in Kiranost as the only son of two soldiers, Lasson Windbreak and Redhien Brightstream. When young he went by his given name - Sognir - and was raised to be another soldier serving House Protector, as his parents and grandparents did before him. Sognir, however dreamed of more. He wanted to be like the great generals of the past and the heroes of old. But how could he, if he wasn't to have a chance beyond being a soldier?
Sognir was moved by an unremitting desire to help, tempered by his ambition. When his fortieth birthday arrived, he took the oath to serve and obey the Head of House Protector, Wildrunner-General Haldir Stormbreaker, and to protect his House and the kingdom of Silvanesti from his enemies. Upon his fiftieth, his adult path was all but determined, and the prospect of being a soldier all of his life filled him with pride and disgust at the same time. He knew he was meant for more, and he couldn't comprehend why the General and the others couldn't see past the station of his parents. But that would change by the Ceremony of Starlight.
In his dreams during the ceremony, Sognir had seen the solution for his problems: Rothruin Riverrain. She was a high caste maiden of House Royal, and if Sognir was to marry her, then certainly the General and the others would finally look past his birth station, and give him the freedom to fulfil his birthright. By those who remember, it is said that the first time Sognir tried to court her he was laughed out of the room. But the fact is that many years later, she was promised to marry him. That changed his life exactly as he expected. Lieutenants engaged him in conversations regularly, and selected him for special assignments every now and then. The Wildrunner and Windrider captains actually looked him in the eye and asked for his opinion on small tactical decisions. Even the General acknowledged his presence during a summit. "Life", he thought, "from now on, was going to be good". Many didn't understand how a highborn such as Rothruin had been won over by a runt like Sognir (and would never say that to his face, of course). Some said it was foul play of some sort. Perhaps Sognir had come across some truth that Rothruin's father wanted to keep buried. Perhaps he had made some kind of deal with fiends in exchange for this marriage. There are even a few that preposterously postulate that he won her heart through perseverance and personality. Signor didn't entertain any of those remarks: her hand was his, and that was enough for him.
On his eightieth birthday, he entered his adult name - Phaendar Zylsatra, selected by him to wipe away any connection to the blood that almost dragged him down - into the records of the Tower of E'li, was formally introduced to Speaker Calaernith and took his duties as a full-fledged officer amongst the Wildrunners. And he already had an assignment: to relieve the garrison of a small outpost that had grown too expensive to maintain, and to salvage as many resources as he could from it. When he returned, he was to be wed. He left, with a smile on this face, to the first day of the rest of his life. Nothing could get in his way now. And then he met Lachadis.
She was a Wildrunner sergeant, and she was warm, witty and full of life. And the worse thing for Phaendar is that he realized that hers was the face he saw in the Ceremony of Starlight - not Rothruin's. The whole week it took for Phaendar to complete his mission was torture. She was everything he ever wanted in a Silvanesti, but he was betrothed now, to be married in less than a fortnight. He couldn't risk everything he worked for his whole life just because of a stupid dream he had twenty-years ago, now could he?
In the end, such thoughts didn't matter. All that mattered was losing himself in her beautiful taste.
At the end of the assignment, Lachadis was sent to another outpost, and Phaendar returned to Kiranost to his wife-to-be. And everything happened exactly as he expected. For almost eighty more years, Phaendar lived with the respect and station that in his mind he so clearly deserved. He became specially famous for a while in Shalinost for saving a human child from drowning in the Bay of Stars during a thunderstorm.
In the year of 3323, his wife - Rothruin - and his child - Delben - died in a forward-but-considered safe outpost. The official report says that Phaendar had been summoned to Kiranost to speak with the Wildrunner-General about military matters. Many believe that he was in town to visit his secret mistress. Others say that he was summoned because a male elf, almost of age, had claimed to be his son and demanded recognition from the then Wildrunner-Captain. Others say that he wasn't in town at all, but was in the outpost when everything happened and was forced to watch as demons murdered his family for not paying up some dark debt. Whatever the truth is, Wildrunner-Captain Phaendar was a hollow shell of the Silvanesti he once was.
Three years later, Phaendar is now an officer just in name, probably to not offend his in-laws of House Royal. He is trusted with with the smallest of responsibilities, as his will and drive is not the same as before. Worse - his mind seems to have shattered somehow, as he refuses to accept that his wife and child are truly dead. In the eyes of the Silvanesti, Phaendar has served his people as better as he could, and now is to leave him be.
Date of Birth
Autumn Harvest 20th
Year of Birth
3162 AC 164 Years old
Current Residence
cerulean blue
sleek blonde
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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