The Rusty Blade

The tavern is dimly lit, with a smoky haze hanging in the air. The walls are rough-hewn and stained with years of spilled ale and food. The floor is littered with straw and dirt, and the smell of sweat and stale ale permeates everything. The bar itself is a rough-hewn slab of wood, scarred and dented from years of use.   Behind the bar stands the bartender, Grunthar, a towering ogre with gray-green skin and bulging muscles. Their yellow eyes survey the room with a mixture of suspicion and amusement, and their massive arms are thick with muscle. They wear a leather apron stained with grease and blood, evidence of their other job as a butcher. The ogre is gruff and short-tempered, but they keep a tight rein on the more unruly patrons.   In the kitchen, the cook is, Azra, a tiefling with ruby-red skin and curling horns. They move with surprising grace and speed, deftly chopping vegetables and stirring pots on the stove. Their sharp-tongued wit and fiery personality are well-known to the regulars, who come for the cheap ale and the entertainment as much as for the food.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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