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Cozy Hollow

Cozy Hollow is the home of the halflings. There are obviously halflings everywere, parts of villages, neighborhoods, cities. But this is one of the only villages that has been all halflings for centuries. It was almost entirely destroyed in the Second Great Dragon War, but has been rebuilt and is even more visited now. While the Northern Outpostt is not a center of any activity really, it is a place that many visit. Dignitaries, nobles, military people...if you’re up north, it’s a place to go and impress your aristocratic friends. So there is often travel thru town. So there is now a large Inn and the outpouring of goods from the famous orchards are greater than ever before. The village is home to about 150 halflings.   The homes are very hobbit hole like. Round doors in buildings that are rounded on top. Not so much built into the landscape, but the roofs are all covered in sod and loam and there are grass roofs with gardens and bushes. Gardens are in front of almost all homes and more than one that seems built around a tree. One can see the tree rising above the hill home, the base of the tree being inside.   Notable Businesses:   Hildeberry’s Stables and Livery.   Orchard Outfitters   BRIAR ROSE TAVERN & INN: The outside is surrounded by bushes and ivy covers the front of the inn, now covered in full burnt orange leaves. Vines of pine needles, like Christmas garland weave around the windows and the two posts that hold up the small roof above the entrance way. The door is more oblong, but still rounded on the edges. In fact you’re starting to notice that most of the buildings don’t seem to have right angles. There is a painting of two acorns on the front door.   Going inside you are greeted with a lovely view of warmth and coziness. The main room is a large three story high room, going all the way to the single beam running along the roof peak. A large tree grows out of the middle of the room and up and out of the roof. You realize you didn’t see this from outside since there is a huge stone fireplace in front of it and the chimney also rises up thru the middle of the tavern. The chimney is made of large grey, tan and brown stones. A large fire burns bright and warm. On your left you see a large bar that goes back into the room about 30 feet or so. It is curved on either end—again no corners—like a shallow “D”. The middle of the room is full of chairs around circular tables of various sizes. On your right is a large stage.  Past the stage there is a staircase along the right wall that goes up to a balcony and a hallway going back which you assume are where the rooms are. At the back of the first floor is a door near the bar that you see serving girls coming out of with trays of food. And then another hall that may lead to more rooms.   On the front walls to your left and right are ornate rows of knobs and hooks in the shapes of apples, acorns, and leaves as well as actual antlers that are about a third covered by various hats and coats of the patrons inside.   The place is full of about 40 or 50 people, mostly Halfling, but you also see a few dwarves, humans, and gnomes. Everyone is having a good time and the tavern is full of a strong cinnamon spiced apple smell and meat and you warmed from any outside chill.   --A pleasant looking Halfling (Bungo Briarrose--the owner) with big red muttonchops on his cheeks and basically a lederhosen sort of outfit comes up to you “greetings, greetings! Welcome to the Briar Rose! Please have a seat and someone will be right with you to take your order.” He motions you to a larger circular table towards the main group of people, but still slightly apart.    The waitresses are Ginny Gilderknees and Eliza Eldertree.  Cozy Hollow Brand Apple Wine 5sp pitcher. 6gp bottle Hard Cider 1sp Ale 5cp More bread and cheese is 1sp, 5cp Meal (Roast Beef stew with potatoes, onions, and carrots---baked apple mash—coddled apples and apple pie desert) 6sp each. 10 rooms available, 8sp a night per room.


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