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Sentinels of Marduk

The Sentinels of Marduk are a secret society.  Although Marduk, one of the Old Ones, was banished from the planes of Middengeard, he left behind this society.   They are a society dedicated to the ways of Marduk, whom the Old Ones  championed to banish the evil Tiamat from this realm eons ago. Since then, the members of this society…and their brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers have all be Sentinels of Marduk. They work for the good of all the Kingdoms. Over the ages they have been travelers, knights, Kings guards, Barons, Counts, Duchesses and merchants. In 1250 they helped stop the Dragon Army of Tiamat from attempting to bring her back into our realm in Lilandialong with the elvish land’s most powerful sorcerers.     After the Second Great Dragon War they were no longer a secret.  There are seven Sentinels of Marduk (who wield the Seven Swords of Marduk) overseeing Multiple Erudites (controlling 10 temples across Draigenmore, Breland and Northland) and roughly 25 KNIGHTS OF MARDUK. After surviving the battle of Dark Wood, The Sentinels of Marduk became heroes. Like Knights of Legend. Quickly the old stories of the old gods started resurfacing. Barely any remembered the names of the Old Gods, and that stayed the same, but they now knew Tiamat. And they knew Marduk. Over the years, religion became more powerful across the realms. So many had lost everything, lost loved ones and looked to divine guidance. With dragons returning to the world and the devastation of the battles, people looked to the old ways for comfort. Temples of Marduk started sprouting up, kids pretended to be Sentinels. Almost all of these “temples” told stories that had nothing to do with the truth or what Marduk stood for. So eventually, it was decided by the Sentinels and Erudites, that the time to be a secret society was over. And erudites and Sentinels travelled the realms, founding new temples and beginning to train those who wished to learn. A new group of errant knights, fighting for good and following of code of conduct were formed, the Knights of Marduk. They answered to the Sentinels or Marduk. While not an army by any means, they travelled the lands looking to do good. They did not charge, and it did not take long for people to recognize their symbol. They would be given food, and shelter, on their travels.


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