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Daughter of Drakkenheim: Maeve's Tale

A red haired woman is found on the 12th day of Hearthstone 1124 by Sargent Collum Whittaker of the Hooded Lanterns while patroling near the Drann River. His report read as follows.   
" We traveled North toward Slaughterstone Square on a scouting mission. Just on the river's edge I spotted something I confused for a deep orange silk. When I approached, what I had seen was the hair of this...woman. I called the squadron over and we unburried her. She was pale as a ghost and her hair was a stark contrast. Her clothes seemed to have rotted away or been gone all together when we found her and she even looked dead. We thought she'd shared the same unfortunate fate as the others who never decay inside the city. She even has chunks of the meteor and delrium poking out of her wounds. While the others moved on, I stopped to cover her with my cloak, give her the decency anyone should have. The second I covered her face she shot straight up beneath my cloak and I yelped like a newborn calf. She seemed rabid and feral, but still none less beautiful despite her condition. The men held her still as we tried to question her but she wasn't able to speak or understand.  Unsure what to do with her, we took her back to that old Druid's hut. Zoya I believe her name was. She had a way with the strange and mystical and I didn't want those Followers of the Falling Fire to get a hold of someone like this and have them use her for their ends. Left her there and told Zoya i'd be patrolling by daily to observe her status and determine if she was dangerous."
The Woman who'd he'd rescued would have lost all ability to speak and understand any tongue, let alone write it. Despite Collum's insistance he was dropping by to keep tabs on the Woman's status, the Old Witch Zoya would be wise enough to recognize infactuation when she saw it. Several months later, the woman began to speak after spending the evenings learning from Zoya. Unable to remember her name, Collum named the woman Maeve for her intoxicating infactuation with her...which he still desperately tried to conceal.  Months would progress until two years had passed. Maeve had become quite adept with the spells she'd learned from Zoya and favored the Magic of Nature. Despite her education, Maeve seemed uncooth to most, running barefoot through the village and openly transforming into animals and playing pranks on the villagers in Emberwood Village. Maeve had made a life for herself, but unknown to her savior and only to Zoya, the young woman suffered Night Terrors that would cause fits of arcane fueled rage and lead to many questions of her origin.  So much so that when the oppertunity arose, the young woman set off on her adventure to discover herself and learn her true story.        Traveling into the city, Maeve would get glimpses of her past. Visions plagued her as she recalled seeing scenes from the city before it's fall.


Death, Tragedy, Family Obligation



Late afternoon on the day of the 16th of Autumntide the lives of thousands were interrupted, upturned or ended in a resonant octarine light that eminated from an eldritch meteor that crashed into Drakkenheim's city streets. This seemingly random natural disaster divided the country of Westemar for the forseeable future. The King Ulrich Von Kessel was inside Castle Drakken at the time of the meteor strike. The Queen Lenore Von Kessel fled the castle to seek shelter under the city with her attendants.Katarina and Eliza were being fitted for dresses near The South Ward in one of towers that lined the inner city wall while Leonard Von Kessel was seemingly abscent from the city that day. None of them have been spotted; dead or alive.
Plot type
Personal Story Arc
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