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Tiptoe Through the Treeants

General Summary

Arriving in the Queen's Park Garden, the party discovers the once beautiful garden now overgrown and swarming with monsters. Striding confidently through the main path, Maeve and Y'srega noticed the raised garden beds crawling with Red Caps that had yet to take notice of them. Moving stealthily, the group would move toward the Grotto that sat at the back of the garden up a large stair case. As they quietly moved, Lukas would return and immediately see the swaths of creatures in the garden and understand the stealthy approach. Something else quickly caught the half-elf- Y'srega's attention. The trees seemed to have humanoid faces and branches like limbs. Treants, warped by the delerium. Moving futher, corrupted ghostly visages of soldiers long past still patroled the garden as they did the day the meteor fell. Deftly moving and avoiding their patrol routes, the party climbed to the upper level of the garden. It was then that Lukas became very suspcious of the statues of Angels that stood in strange positions. They seemed closer every time he looked away from them and then back. The statues pursued the party with lightning speed, only changing position when no one watched. They targeted Roth, who'd unknowingly stopped to pick delerium fragments up, missing the touch of the creature by only a split second before dashing off into the grotto.   As the Party arrived in the man made Grotto, several attendants of Queen Lenore came from the watter logged passages. They were warped and twisted by delerium and grew mushrooms from their skin, blocking large portions of their figure and creating a very sickly figure. The attendants insisted the Queen not be bothered until Lukas forcibly caused them to see past their delusions that Maeve was the Queen's daughter and he a member of the court. The women led the party to the back of the grotto, a flooded chamber ripe with octarine water. In the back, the make-shift bed chamber of Queen Lenore was discovered. Atop the molded, decayed, yet regal bed rested the Queen herself. To her, it had been less than a Ten-Day she'd been in the Grotto. Time stood still for the Queen. Queen Lenore wore a mask of porcelin that hid her face and all the horror that had become her. Having been a proud and vain woman, the sight of her monsterous transformation caused her to go into fits of rage. Her sanity continue to wane after Maeve accidentally broke her mask. When faced with truth, she snapped lashing out at the party as her hand maids did her bidding against them. After a few moments, Lenore was shaken from her state by Maeve and Lukas as her mask was repaired and replaced. After some convincing, the party would remove her from the Grotto and take her to Fort Emberwood to rest as they researched what had become of her and how to undo it.
Report Date
03 May 2024
Primary Location

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